
It’s an old photo, too. I was at Monticello in 2008. That big tulip poplar you see at the right had been cut down when I was there, leaving a stump about 5 feet in diameter.

The TEA party keep saying they want smaller government. Looks like they’re going to get what they pray for.

No, I agree with you. I think the makers of A Knight’s Tale should have been horsewhipped for the way they screwed around. I love reading REAL history because things have been done that defy belief. Real history is fantastic enough without some modern-day drug abuser thinking everything’s better with acid. Read about

What a stupid fucking thing to say. Clinton is not one bit better than Drumpf. She is a corporate whore to the boot heels. She is a vindictive, power mad bitch who would let Goldman Sachs rewrite the Constitution. With her in office the ONLY difference would be which set of ultrarich assholes get richer at public

Many moons ago a man had to make E6 before he could get married without asking permission from his CO. Now you have lesbian track drivers who are “married” to strippers with 3 artificial-insemination kids.

This is the fault of Congress. They pass laws that put all the defense money into big-ticket items to please their corporate puppet masters. At the same time because they want to be able to lie to the voters about how they are controlling costs, they pass laws that force the services to cut the amounts that are put

And I think that at this point in his career we can also safely assume he is paying more attention to his future as a lobbyist for McDonnel-Douglas than to his past as a zoomie.

It’s not a matter of they don’t like them. The Army CAN’T go into fixed-wing operations in a significant way. That is determined by law.

Is it just coincidence that Miller is the Douchenfuhrer’s senior adviser and he looks like the bastard son of Vladimir Putin?

When I was in college, another student who was a marathon runner died of a heart attack at the age of 19. This is no shit.

That picture of him above makes him look like the end of one of Willem Dafoe’s turds.

“Flak” is a kraut word. They invented it.

But they don’t want to use those educations for anything but concocting lies that they use to support anti-abortion laws. They want Uncle Trumpy to make everything just like it was in their grandpappy’s day so they don’t have to change in any way or to - horror of horrors! - learn anything new. They want a world that

Trump’s victory was NOT the result of bitterness or any other feeling by white rural voters. They played such a tiny part it really isn’t worth mentioning. The Republicunt victory was mainly the result of 2 things:

I’m not surprised you thought of the common aspects of this movie and video games, but I am surprised that you apparently didn’t understand the reason behind the “problems” you noted. Studio desires for profits have created an environment where fantasy or science fiction movies have to be set up so they contain things

What a load of kark. Way back when, glass was hellishly expensive and only the very richest owned wine glasses. Everyone else, and even the very richest when they weren’t throwing a party, drank from cups and mugs made of wood or ceramic or coated leather. As glass got cheaper more people had actual “glasses” but they

The death of being unwilling to replace sense with party loyalty or ideology. Franken was the only Senator who actually READ the horrible shit that masquerades under the name of “bills.” And no, he should NOT step down because he’s the only one of the bunch who during investigations and panels has the balls to ask

All their talk about ‘values’ is a lie. They don’t give a damn about values, they care about control. They care about forcing their ideology down other peoples’ throats. They are capable of any hypocrisy in pursuit of their goal of establishing an American Taliban and they don’t give a shit what kind of lies and fraud

What other way is there? To pretend? She’s basically just saying be realistic. She said learn how to avoid it or prevent it. She didn’t say to just shut up and suck it up.

Not knowing how a buzzsaw works has never been a defense against getting cut, for anyone, in any area. She is saying that women must acknowledge that this is a dirty world full of dangers specific to women, and they should learn how to think and act defensively. Yeah, that’s not how a perfect world would be. In a