
I’ve been hearing this “retrain workers for modern jobs” mantra since the 1970s when the steel industry in this country started dying. It continued in the 80s when the car companies started failing. It’s still going on today. Here is inescapable fact which history has been proven time and time again: IT DOESN’T WORK.

Yes, well, Drumpf IS an idiot. And the self-serving scum who work for him know that coal will never again be as big and powerful as it once was because modern economics ensures it won’t, but they don’t care because going along with this pro-coal stupidity brings them wealth and power and that’s all they care about.

The Republinazis, who have been taken over by the white supremacists and the extreme religious nuts who are the kind of bigots who still try to use the Biblical story of Noah’s son Ham as justification for oppressing blacks, are doing exactly the same thing the Democrats did in the South during Jim Crow. They are

I literally can’t see that Cotton Hill looking little fuck without feeling ill. He looks like the unholy spawn of a cauliflower floret and a used throat culture swab.

Pretty stiff competition for snarky comments on this. Don’t blow it, guys.

I think he’s wearing underoos. Or would that be underooze in this case?

I own guns. I support the 2nd Amendment. I hunted most of my life and still would if I owned land or could afford a hunting lease. I still enjoy target shooting and skeet and other shooting sports.

Yes. The reason is why dick around with doing all that work himself when getting bump stocks and using them is so much quicker and easier and he didn’t have to know how to do anything but walk into a gun store with a wad of cash?

He had 30 rifles up there because he was a fucking demented lunatic psycho.

Like that makes a rat’s ass worth of difference. You must be a fucking lawyer or a Klan wizard. Nobody else could possibly think that on a topic like this it actually matters to argue such a trivial, meaningless, pointless distinction.

That is a dog. It is NOT a child. You obviously also are deranged.

You are not a pit bull “mom”. You are human. The pit bull is a dog. You may be insane, but you definitely are not any dog’s “mother”. Here’s a nickel - go buy some sanity.

She actually told the truth, in a way. This has nothing to do with being upset at football players. This has to do with the traitor in chief distracting public attention away from his latest awfulness. This is nothing but ham-fisted sleight of hand to foment another mess that divides people and keeps them so busy

SO FUCKING WHAT. That makes absolutely NO difference to the fact that the Constitution, the laws, and the philosophy this country was founded on all say that Americans have the right to peacefully protest what they think is wrong. The fact that you think they don’t is proof that you aren’t fit to call yourself an

“Richard Petty Says He’ll Fire Anyone Who Protests During The National Anthem And In NASCAR He’s Not Alone”

The traitor in chief is just doing another iteration of his normal technique for handing any problems - having just been exposed again as an ineffective, spineless, pathetic excuse for a leader by having John McCain again kick him in the nuts by shooting down his latest Obamacare repeal effort and being shown publicly

It is a democracy. By the technical definition. It is NOT equitable. Your categorization of the “choice” we get each election year is exactly right. We never get any choice except between a lying thief and a thieving liar. Our so called “leaders” have negated the very concept of democracy or a republican form of

Yes, unfortunately, this is what we have come to expect from him. But his is NOT what we should tolerate from him. It’s time to kick that ignorant, stupid, incompetent, ill mannered buffoon to the curb. It is the very height of disgusting, monstrous hypocrisy for the traitor in chief to say that a man who lives by his

The ultrarich in this country started a war on the public school system 40 years ago. They want to ensure that the public schools turn out nothing but semiliterate dunces who are just barely able to read the slogans on a campaign poster, to ensure themseles an endless supply of cheap labor. They want a public that

Sriracha sauce. Look for it at the next juggalo convention.