
None of this will make any difference. They will ignore anything they don’t want to see, and publish a pack of arrant lies as a justification for their marauding. The Republinazi party is in the hands of privileged snots who think the world owes them anything they want, who believe this country exists for the purpose

Good for them. It’s about time that people who make these unequal pay decisions get something jammed up their noses. I hope the show disappears. Of course, I remember the original show, and I’ve hated this Red Bull-generation ripoff from day one.

You’re right, she isn’t a Whitney or Beyonce - there was a time back yonder when she was bigger than both of them put together. 7 years old, have no memory, or have Alzheimers - which is your condition?

There’s no “fat shaming” here. I’m not saying he’s wrong, or that there is anything bad about being built like he is. He’s an American, so he has the right to pursue happiness. And if he is happy about being a disgustingly fat blob of reeking suet who makes other people sick to look at him, that’s fine. It’s his right

If the people of New Jersey have any spines they’ll break the locks off the gates and go to the beaches anyway.

This is the worst part of all: “...voter history from 2006 onward.”

Much more like an intestinal parasite or a lamprey. Predators have to have speed and skill. Der Drumpfenfuhrer has nothing but a big mouth.

I’d pay to watch.

They have figured it out. They ignore them. Quick. Easy. Cheap.

You have to understand that the Republican party has been taken over by “people” who enjoy punishing those who are less fortunate. They are arrogant boobs who are convinced of their moral and spiritual superiority, but at the same time they are emotionally damaged and they need constant re-affirmation of their

So according to you, “cheap but gives you a fatal disease” is better than “more expensive but doesn’t poison you to death”. Thank you for playing. The exit is that way.

Jeez, I know we’ve gone through the looking glass when Califriggingfornia sounds sensible.

Natural born citizens commit crimes and cost us in crime prevention, incarceration, and welfare. Your argument is pointless, null and void.

How can you demonize a stupid, emotionally deranged pig? But thank you for showing us what the willfully ignorant blind herd animal demographic thinks.

Much earlier. One of the reasons I voted against him - he was part of the Keating 5. In order to protect his buddy Charles Keating, he and 4 other Senators abused their power to block an investigation into shenanigans in people buying and wrecking Savings and Loan businesses. The result was not just the ruin of some

You can’t get your head around the fact that “Nazi supporters” and “guys dressed as German soldiers” are not automatically the same thing, huh? You’re obviously one of the reasons why those guys are kind of skittish about talking about what they’re doing.

The cop who committed this atrocity thinks it has to do with subjugating blacks. I guarantee he would never have done this if the kids had been white. You are are retarded goon.

So, your answer is “suck it up, tough luck.” Thank you for letting us know the soul-dead worthless prick view. Now please go crawl into the toilet where you belong.

Trump Once Again Tries to Steal Credit For Things Done by Other People

He doesn’t care. He and his ultrarich self-entitled ilk don’t care at all. Hell, they want more people dead. The more dead, the fewer that might get welfare or Medicare, so the less money that goes to those programs, so the more money they can grab for themselves.