Googled my plate, "Lamborghini," and "Hawaii," and came up with nothing. Damn.
Googled my plate, "Lamborghini," and "Hawaii," and came up with nothing. Damn.
An ironic headline. The AC unit relieves global contributing to it.
Fans of the Cato Institute at Giz, eh?
Au contraire. We've used approximately half of the world's oil reserves, having reached the halfway point around 2004, a mere 100 years after commencing our modern-day use. We're depleting, and certain to deplete, the second half at a faster rate than we did the first.
The "'tude problem" is that toward consuming placenta. Animals don't have it, because it's the result of social conditioning.
Tastes especially good with peanut butter.
This is a standard feature of some shopping list apps, and has been for some time. I used to use the QuickList feature of SplashShopper, which is still intact today, on my Palm Pilot.
Say, that IS an impressive knife.
Enabling push notifications is, for me, too close to feeling compelled to answer the phone every time it rings. I'm amused whenever I see people so compelled—and there are a lot of them.
This entire article is one big Pash notification.
The way we change behaviorally is by doing.
You've missed the point. The resume has to have a laser-like focus, not on what the potential employer can do for you, but on what you can do for the employer. It's anything but "I'll take/do anything."
In addition to the potential compatibility problems listed, mkv files are bigger than mp4. What's the advantage of wasting storage and/or bandwidth?
Though it does simplify things for simpletons, it isn't necessary to become an ideologue who decides to see only one side of a story.
Attributing this radical idea to political objectives—nevermind the dubious nature of what those objectives are asserted to be—reveals more about the people doing the attributing than about the people they are accusing. As if you know their hearts and minds better than they do.