The biggest hot take from that elementary school paper was actually the 2nd grader who accused Suzy Smithfield of being a poopie head
The biggest hot take from that elementary school paper was actually the 2nd grader who accused Suzy Smithfield of being a poopie head
☐ rekt ☐ not rekt ☑ tyrannosaurus rekt
There is a happy medium at home defense and hunting that civilised countries have long ago figured out, but here in ‘Murica, yahoos want to carry assault rifles into Wal-Mart.
THIS. Pop that piece out and enjoy a shower like our forefathers did.
THIS. Pop that piece out and enjoy a shower like our forefathers did.
Add a comma and it makes more sense.
But then the Lions’ Eddie Drummond scores a TD on a punt return, disclosing the location of the end zone to the offense.
I once had a girlfriend buy me Bengals gear because she thought they were my favorite team. That was her other boyfriend. And that's how I found out she was cheating. Fuck the Bengals.
Boston PD knows all about threats from the moon.
I know nothing, NOTHING!
Apparently Shimamura knew nothing, NOTHING!
“It isn’t hard to do - Nothing to battle or faint for - and no gym badges too”
Pikachu: “We’re more popular then Mario right now!”
I’m excited to see what happens with this one. I feel like it could either be a massive hit or a total flop without any in-between. Should be interesting to see if it becomes a sensation here as it did in Japan (like Pokemon, but not really because Pokemon are The Beatles).
I do not think that the world is in any danger of running out of people who believe winning is the only thing worth…
Picross 3D is finally getting a sequel—Picross 3D 2, which Nintendo announced last night to great fanfare. It’ll be out October 1 in Japan, and hopefully here soon too. Life is good.
“This month’s issue”? Christ, is that what I have to look forward to if I do get a GTI?