
So if "the cloud" is having issues, what happens then? Can't play your single player game or.. buildings just suddenly become objects that can't be broken? Or.. a more basic physics model is run on the local machine? (I'll take option 3 plz)

Wait, what's there actually to discuss in Coddlefield? "Hey you ever shot another guy?" "Yeah." "Me too." /end of all discussion ever

I've never found it beneficial to upgrade a Mac OS. I only use them at work, but every time I upgrade one it becomes a useless pile. I've stopped upgrading them because I feel like it's because they make these upgrades for a specific range of Apple products and unless you -just- bought one, you're probably better off

I.. I think I would be more likely to buy it if it was literally that.

The website that is.

Just throwing it in that I also am right handed and always one-hand my phone with my left hand.

Nice! Your move, Bill Nye!

Oh jesus christ, UPlay. Suddenly my interest in buying the PC version went to zero, and it's not worth buying a XB1, PS4 over. Oh well.

Sure is a lot of herp derp whining in the comments on this one. I thought it was pretty good!

lol if it was just $100.. I'd buy three of them. At least.

I did not like that Gen much. Although, looking back, it could just be that I was so very bitter that I was listening to the GBA's god fucking awful sound chip and it's awful music instead of the mellow, beautiful tones of the GB/GBC for the first time. I pray to all the Kyogres that they have updated the music. Ugh I

I feel ya, dude. I feel ya.

I just bought Dark Souls 2 couple nights ago from GMG for $22.50 thanks to a coupon and $15 of credit that if I remember correctly was a from a prior pre-order deal. GMG isn't my first place to look for a deal, and that's something I need to correct because I find myself getting the best deals there more and more.

I just wish the "archive" button would also "mark as read" when I hit, really. I often get like a Thank-you email and just archive it and then later I see a bolded email in my All Mail when I'm looking for some old thing and it makes me twitch until I clear it. Or maybe I need therapy instead!

I want to play this game >:(

<3 you 3DS. I shall celebrate later with some Bravely Default!

Say it ain't so, Bob

I just want them to start putting physical keyboards on smartphones again. Down with touch typing! My last "dumb" phone was the LG Env3 and I loved it. Oh the texts we had. Proper keys, proper messaging.

At first I thought Amy was wielding a lightsaber here.

AMD has great value for money, but I just am never pleased with how it runs day-to-day. I've been using both brands off and on over the years. Usually going with AMD when they are on the up (like my current build some years ago), but for whatever reason Intel PC's just -feel- smoother. And right now I wouldn't even