As a person who has attended golf tournaments, I can unequivocally state that there are no good people who attend golf tournaments.
Blocked, banned, and reported
Not to pick nits, but the 2018 Olympics actually start one year from yesterday due to Korea being on the opposite side of the International Date Line of the U.S.
Yeah, Costas is good. Tirico’s good too. We should appreciate those who are very good at a very hard job that most people aren’t good at.
I guess things are coming full circle. Now all we need is for NBA2K eSports to become more popular than real basketball, so that people stop playing real basketball, and then decades later some marketing guy can get the brilliant idea that people would love to play a real life version of the video game.
As a relatively young Knicks fan, this has been my first extended experience with Phil Jackson, Organizational Leader, and I gotta ask - was the whole Zen Master thing always bullshit? I’d genuinely like to know. Assigning all of his past success to the the fact that he has coached three all-time-great players feels…
I bet he got dumped by Little Debbie.
Who hurt you, starcrunch?
He probably has a future in the athleticism business, you’d say? Bravo for a fit lad.
I’ve been watching him closely this season, and Lebron is a really good athlete, imo.
This is the plot of Speed 3. The bus will blow up if the team it is carrying goes below .500.
Wait, so if you’re losing and counting your chickens before they hatch, does that mean you counted zero and miraculously one chicken hatched?
That is dangerous and his YMCA membership should be REVOKED.
I’m like 90% sure the part you’re reacting to, old boy, was the set up to the punchline about how no1curr about Curry’s ugly fucking shoes. It was a pretty good joke, as I read it.
Now that his term is up and he’s off into the sunset, Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of…
Not having the Red Wings and the Blackhawks in the same division is wrong on so many levels.
I know it’s not a popular take around here, but Under Armour should be focused on manufacturing their products here in America with American workers and materials. You are talking about creating however many jobs it takes to manufacture every Steph Curry shoe sold in this country. So, like 2-3 jobs AT LEAST.