
How can you not like that?

trump wants to see the sun fucking rise.

Jesus fucking Christ, that’s ruthless.

I’m honestly starting to believe that they have had the proper chat, and are trying to figure out the best way to eat the PR shitstorm that would come their way by having to backtrack. Cleetus from Bumblefuck might just get a little angry.

Spot on. As much as the sport needs more ego, and arguably drama, I think we’d all prefer to see more of it on the track, although this is all part of it.

Lewis has a history of being difficult to get along with. In the Case of Nico, I can’t help but think part of why he retired had to do with not wanting to be around Lewis any more.

I don’t even know anymore. Thanks for playing though.

Can we exploit the locals, their culture and their economy while we’re at it? That’s the best way, you know.

Great, glad that’s settled. Sorry I didn’t see your smartass reply in time.

No such thing as a Nico fan. They’re just Hamilton haters who will support anyone who opposes Hamilton.

As ugly as it is on road cars, you are 100% correct.

Probably been mentioned but isn’t driving with a cracked windshield pretty dangerous too?

Love you so much for saying that. I was trying to be polite!

So... Slowing up a race, one time is equivalent to causing one wreck (and a DNF for BOTH teammates, and the Team, where points matter most, mind you), and also for running a teammate off the track in an obvious fit of rage, and not even being a good enough driver to finish the job? Lewis is a prima donna I refuse to

I look at how he (Bottas) didn’t take any crap from Kimi as a good sign. Iirc, they came together a couple of times in recent years.

Because not turning in Austria, or running your teammate off the track in Spain can be attributed solely to Hamilton. Makes sense, kinda, but not really.

So it’s safe to assume the donated $280,000 can be added to Trump’s steadily increasing personal debt totals?

Our new President can’t even master fucking English (or “speak American” as some of his followers might say), I highly doubt that “foreign mathology” or any science like it has any place in God’s ‘Merica.

Why don’t they, and Brennan fucking do something about it then?

+1 Ti-82 calculator in Algebra class.