
This a 1000 times. It is the natural evolution in my opinion. Also to the comment above speaking about abortion, I really do believe, in a different climate, Rand would even relinquish his views on that. Just as it is now, he would have even less of a chance to win.


I think baseball is in an interesting spot. The regional TV networks (aka the ones who mostly show the games) have good ratings for their respective markets. However, come playoff time, the ratings sink. It seems, in my opinion, that no one wants to watch baseball unless the team they like is playing in it. Sitting



Well as the above comments allude to Chen Stormstout was in Warcraft 3 and pretty much had a similar model/he was a monk.

Chen is like nah I was in Frozen Throne.

So much fan service. It does look great.

Aren’t “back to the basket” guys screwed in the league regardless of this free throw/foul phenomenon!?

That HotS tier set has some powerful set bonuses.

I’ve actually seen the last rule backfire in multiple instances. If you don’t think you can stop to help and successfully keep driving don’t get two cars stuck in the road to make matters worse.

This is the real problem/truth. Sports fans will still watch because they care more than any other TV viewer. ESPN just how to figure out how to deliver.

Excited for when Hue is run out of Cleveland for not being able to win with a terrible roster.

The greatest of all bald denials.

1. I feel old.

When one could have coached Lebron, made team management decisions and had a ton of money, I don’t think just adding more money, even this ridiculous amount, really seems worthwhile.

Their toilets don’t flush backwards. They do have large animals fight outside their homes though.

He’s still cheap but a general relaxing of complete control have has made the Bengals a competent franchise who drafts extremely well.

Never really thought of it like that. I’m excited when the Bengals ask for stadium upgrades from the city this off season.

Also can’t recommend the game more, story is excellent!