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    This is mind blowing! This one of the very few things that gets me excited, I must go see this display.

    By using proper shielding among other (dielectric) layers so theres no electromagnetic interference or contact. This isnt really a sensitive device to begin with and they can go with a zig-zag scheme if they wanted to transfer data over it, or even by tightly folding them; so theyre able to place the conducting wires

    So they essentially make a tight spiral of copper, aluminum, or whatever conductor, and add a layer of stretchable insulation (rubber wiring) on the outside. This isnt a new technique though.

    @chris robson @C3 @Daniel Vega: you all bring up good points, but failed to see the reference.

    good point and this one has 1550 ft. lbs.

    25 tons and only 435 ponies under the hood; needs more COWBELL!

    We have plenty of money for reconstructing roads and other much needed areas, but its being squandered to all the wrong places and people. A great place to start would be by cutting military spending and foreign military financing to 150 countries.


    OR you can buy a dirt cheap 100 pill bottle (200mg per pill) for 8 bucks and just take 200mg caffeine tablet and stay alert for 8 hours. Generally not a good idea to take more then 100mg in 4 hours.

    One important thing to note since this is a completely new architecture, these eight cores arent like traditional cores, theyre tightly coupled pairs inside modules ("similar" to a dual core) and they share certain resources (fetch and decode), which means theyre not completely independent. E.g., it has four L2 caches

    Fox to Netflix: There is always money... in... the banana stand!

    Be careful now, they provided non-lethal defense articles and services, as the article states. The article hints* the possibility since libya is an energy rich country and possibly sway the U.S. that way. There are no serious/concrete indications.

    smart move intel, proliferation through PCs, i can see this competing with usb, but i want intel to brand it as light peak.

    crap nvm, i answered my own question without realizing.

    Correction: 340.3m/s(object through a given fluid & International Standard Atmosphere)*2.2= 748.66 mph, so 748.66*20(mach speed)= 14973.2 mph, not 13000 what the source article says. Since the speed of sound increases as the temperature increases, the actual speed of an object traveling at Mach 1 will depend on the

    you could use a few other ones too, its interchangeable in this case. nice catch on "office" though, i skipped over that one. i guess they dont care about grammar.

    i may be wrong, but i think youre missing an "and" somewhere in the first sentence; ill let you figure it out.

    SO MUCH WIN! My head exploded!

    My love for the murcielago has officially ended. This takes the 3rd place on my all time favorite cars list.