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    This is cool, but no amount of innovation is enough for asshole drivers. We need more red light cameras! The other day i almost got hit by an asshole who ran a red, it was my green, i traveled about two feet and this asshole just flies by around 40mph. I wanted to chase him down and beat some sense into him...

    Yes, I have a burning question... why the hell have I not been starred yet?!:-/

    @r0y: I with you on that, I cant see MS leaving out a terminal emulator, its always been there. Dont get me wrong, I love the deeply integrated cloud based ecosystem and all GUI approach here, but the tech geek in me wants to tweak around and want control of everything under the skin by whatever means.

    This is slowly becoming a tightly integrated ecosystem and Im liking what Im hearing and seeing.

    @Simonovski: OH... i didnt notice the keyhole, thanks for clearing that up, carry on.

    1:22: "Four Loko surprisingly doesn't taste HORRIBLE. I was expecting ass in a can. And not good, luscious ass either. I mean Steven Segal ass."

    @Simonovski: The hole contains an LED... unless youre being sarcastic.

    @OshawaBuddha: YES people do, what jms said... steakhouse burger!

    People who drive a prius, hummers, large 4x4s, yellow automobiles, douche-mobiles, all park like asshats! Id much rather walk up and confront them then put a weeny little sticker which theyll only tear off and forget to correct their assholism.

    @Skunky: Sir you melted/sliced off your axle from the enormous amount of heat generated by breaking too much...

    @PotbellyJoe - Formerly a Frozen Fellow: +100

    I'd like to see the much needed hate button on there as well.

    Oh snap, this is pretty badass, I love it!

    This is a tough one, but this is #1 on my top ten list so I would be just fine driving this around for the rest of my life/eternity. Ill take sport over luxury any day.

    No Ariel Atom, Ferrari 355, BUT most importantly wheres my favorite car Koenigsegg CCX/R/Agera?? Im not buying this until they assure me theyll have all the Koenigsegg models as a package to download later!

    This review was a tad bit harsh, this phone is gem compared to other wp7 phones out there, and as good as or better then mozart and omnia in some aspects. I do agree with the screen resolution though, at 4.3 800x480 it just doesnt cut it. As for the pictures, it would have been nice to see a variety of pics and under

    @Zubieta: thats the camera man, i hope.

    @Habs: i know, i wasnt referring to him. i was implying kyle is the new tester... nvm.

    that dudes girth is probably the same as a roll of pennies for it to fit in that thing.