
101 or1001

Flex Rover


That’s what I planned. The switch is a perfect emulation console, and I have no interest paying for the switches online multiplayer component. My switch has never even connected to my houses wifi. 

Right? When I want black coffee, I want it so stiff that I can chew it.

Well, they were chased out of Missouri into Illinois. They stole Utah from the federal government after that.

Two too many doors!

Jeff “The Flake” Flake is not a centrist! 

Neat looking Pontiac 

What did deer ever do to you?

So it goes.

Lol no

Stating it. 

Now that's a lot of damage 

If that’s really the case, where’s the Iphone 9?


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. 

A take as cold as three day old pizza:

5/6th Orlove’d

Kyrsten Sinema