
I would figure that rain/snow/fog might be an obstacle to "lighting up" the target, so we'll still have missiles and bullets to take care of targets in inclement weather.

Much better to get one of these and pocket the difference:

It does, You get off the plan slightly faster, but still not worth it to me.

I Believe you missed one: When at an intersection where a right on red is possible, pull as far left as possible when waiting at the light. If a right on red is possible, TAKE IT.

I guess the issue is, shouldn't the police car get a ticket for driving slowly in the left lane? He should realize that he's supposed to pull over for slower traffic. I'd place this on the web with the officers name, so anyone else who gets a ticket for anything he does, can use this in their defense.

Timex "it takes a licking, and keeps on Ticking!" uh wait..

Yes, using a Comcast DVR, we don't have a lot of space, but there are so many things on at the same time that we do watch everything on it....

As far as I know, Texaco gas stations are gone ( absorbed by some other company), and #20 reminds me of the 50 First Dates ending (which was changed in the video release). Drew barryore wakes up and plays a Video that remembers everything for her, and in the movie, it had "the Red Sox won the World Series... Just

I read the headline a little quick, I thought I read, I Can’t Wait to Sit in This Chair That’ll Fill Up My Beer from MY Bottom

thanks for the explanation, that makes sense.

Last I checked, India was part of Asia, or did you mean that it should be someone more Chinese/Japanese/Indonesian/Korean type asian?

I guess, I don't understand how, rising sea levels will cause higher salinity. With the Polar Ice caps and glaciers melting, would this not add fresh water to the oceans, dropping salinity levels?

This is like a Permanently built Tent. I get it for 1 -2 people, "friendly" people.

They were'nt that common.  When I bought my '72 in 1982, it was only one of only 2 in my town.  These were still pretty rare in the early 80's.  The rarity of finding parts in junkyards helped them stay rare on the street.  That's why the Chevy's were so popular in the 80's the junkyards are full of them.

Um, no this is a regular Javelin.  The AMX had the Rear Spoiler, the grille was the same on the Javelins and the AMX's in '73 and '74 ( like the car in the video is).  The 71, and 72' had an expanded metal screen over the deep grille.

I do the same, I buy 12 pairs of the same socks at a time.

One of Wentworth Institute's finest there on Drums, Mr. Dave Lovering.

Might be the turn signal light...

Don't fart.

Well, they have to compete with Contour as well....