
You can basically buy a handgun that fits exactly what you need and how big your hands(or small) are. Some guns feel right in your hands and some don't you definitely should find a range and test as many different models as you can. I have medium size hands and I really like the Glock 19, its the compact version of

Once you do some research its not as scary as you might think. There are so many youtube videos and forums that discuss the topic out there, and if you find a good guide and follow the steps one by one you should be fine. I ended up rooting my Galaxy S2 and havent had any issues. There is a chance you could brick

I think that's what this idiot would prefer.

It simply comes down to the person behind the trigger. The vast majority of gun owners/enthusiasts are good people who handle their firearms with care and are as safe with them as humanly possible.

I agree on both counts. I like Spacey as Lex Luther but his plan involving...creating more real estate...or something...was pretty lame. I wanna see Superman punch someone through a building or throw a car at someones face.

The election is over.

Damn pelican, you scary.

I'm shocked when I talk to people about Swype and they either haven't tried it or prefer normal t9/keyboard. I use Swype on my GS2 and can't imagine ever going back to t9. Its faster, accurate, and i like being able to text quickly with one hand. Very impressive technology.

I just view the screen is a total gimmick and have no interest. I prefer traditional.

To be specific I do use them. I use active, 3 grenades, and quick reload. But I still have something like 18 unused points, and my basic point was none of the upgrades are significant enough to tip the balance of gameplay. Halo has always done a great job with weapon balancing. I think a great example is the SAW.

They had a quick rise to stardom with the Rex hiring and drafting the heart throb quarterback, then the AFC championship appearances...but anyone with half a football brain saw this coming. They were built up and now we will tear them down. It is hilarious though...I hear alot less cocky Jets fans on the radio here

I'm guessing your friends biggest issue is not enough friends to play with on voice. Running around solo generally isn't a ton of fun in Halo multiplayer. If she does have friends then she just needs to practice cause any player can compete against any high rank from the start. Much of the unlocks in Halo 4 are

100% true. After what? Two levels? You can get the DMR? Once you have that it all comes down to aim and reflexes. I'm level 37 and I have barely spent any points cause the upgrades aren't really useful anyway.

DMR is way better than the BR. You just need to aim for the head and control the cof.

My favorite GTA of all time.

*Hears owl* "There's a squatch in these woods...."

You honestly think the WiiU will be the console of choice for shooters? I think there's a 0% chance of that being the case. I feel like most gamer's who like shooters wont even be buying this thing. I think this is the console for hardcore Nintendo fanboys and young children.

The Mossad is generally not to be trifled with. Wonder how long they will stay "Anonymous" now.

She died at a young age, brutally, at the claws of a giant insect...but hey at least she got to "have" Casper Van Dien, no regrets!

I agree with this. Its buggy, the controls are awkward, and I hate how the fighting seems so canned. I find myself fighting multiple guys then suddenly the game takes over and goes into some mini cut scene of my character destroying them, meanwhile im sitting there watching this, not even having to hit a button.