
The idea of a hybrid (or whatever you want to call it) is probably the most forward-thinking and potentially non-gimmicky thing Nintendo has ever created. And if the hardware part is true, this somewhat goes against their traditional development process of lateral thinking (or finding new ways to use current

Feels like uncanny valley territory.

This is how one of our cats got herself a home. She walked into the open garage on a warm autumn day, opened the door from the garage to the kitchen, and waltzed in. Three years later, she’s basically running the place.

Hooboy, Tyra’s unfortunate red phase...

No! That is not how I’m almost ending the work day!

Way in the future, some conspiracy idiot is going to forget how this photo was created and go on a tirade about how the program was a complete which time Buzz Aldrin will rise from the grave and punch the idiot in the face.

This story is bullshit, and the actions of her “friend” were bullshit, too. Here is some inspiration for all the working moms from the Italian MEP Licia Ronzulli.

I used to comment regularly on Jezebel for years (under a different name) and stopped because of the feeling the author describes when someone she assumed would be an ally made her feel unwelcome.

He should have just bought a $50 (max) DVD player. It sounds like he had no reason to get a next-gen console except “I needed a new DVD player anyway...”. It sounds like he has little interest in games but for a few select ones that he already plays on his current Xbox and he hates the rest of the machine. He should

I agree. Nobody is less charmed by children than me, but I am even less charmed (negative charmed!) by those people who pretend it’s a reasonable worldview to insist that children should be kept in their homes and away from polite society until they’re 17 and 4 months.

Oh for fuck’s sake. The attitude that you can’t go to someplace without your kid because it’s “professional” and that you need to have a babysitter or child-keeper at all times is anti-feminist to the core and supports notions that the only people who “deserve” to reproduce are the affluent.

He sounds like your typical uninformed consumer. (aka a dumbass)

1) A level booster, not unlike the one that came with The Taken King, that bumps a character up to experience level 25.

Don’t sweat the difficulties, Albert. If we know one thing about gamers, it’s that they’re not particularly hypersensitive to any sort of direct or even indirect criticism about their hobby.

Oh boy, the typical “no skill/expertise required, I’m not impressed” internet comment. Perhaps you’re underestimating how fast a 100 MPH baseball actually is when it’s coming at you.

To be fair...grab your sword and get your ass down to the nearest batting cages and show us how it’s done.

You’re right, this is the least impressive thing we’ve ever seen. :-/

Nope, no pandering here.

Seems like Kojima was okay to create what he created.

Uhh, you do realize that Quiet isn’t real and no one can shame her right?