
Also, literally no one but yourself believes you're a pediatrician. Maybe the patient but certainly not the doctor. You speak like a child. "EW!!!!" "Yucky!!!". Seriously who above age five uses words like that?

I don't think you know what the word "incest" means. Grab a dictionary.

I'm 1/2 Nigerian 1/2 Korean with a slim build and maybe that's why I really don't see what you see, because the body shape you describe is so foreign to myself and my family. My first thought here was Cleopatra. And my second thought was Cleopatra. I highly doubt Sarah Baartman is in the stream of consciousness for

Keep thinking that!

Yeah it's actually kind of impressive how you come off as the irritating person in this dressing down.

Nah she's been thinner than ever in recent times, plus she's been to events recently and allowed herself to be photographed. Must be just a performance anxiety thing.

I don't there was a claim of rape, was there? The article made it sound like inappropriate touching.

And that's why my Dad's family got the fuck out of SA and moved to Australia.

Don't worry, I seem to be the only person who read your initial post and totally got it. I often do this because not every bathroom I go to has a bin in it thus have to throw it out afterwards.

Man that's really bad for your pipes. I live in a house and have flushed a tampon maybe once ever.

"Fictitional", Ashleigh Banfield? Really?

Adele - because it's just code for "fat with a pretty face". I always hear it a mile off "oh you know who you look like...that singer...Adele". Sigh.

That sounded legitimately terrible. I have no doubt he can play but the skill is totally lost on such a synthed-up electronic keyboard.

I assume it's a play on Bazillion/brazilian.

I'm Korean and actually find the term "yellowface" itself really offensive. Seeing it written so much in the comments is really eye-wincing.

Beautiful? Man oh man... He looks like a freak show. I'm Korean and have never seen eyes that weird before. He doesn't even look Asian.

"Only" 185 pounds at 5'8"? I'm an inch taller and the same weight yet considered obese medically. Maybe it's an American thing that that weight is considered small. Genuinely not trolling but that is a pretty high weight.

Hey now, not just saying it because I'm from Brisbane but Queensland is not our Florida. Tasmania is our Florida. Think about mass murder - bodies in the barrel were in SA, Port Arthur massacre in Tassie, Ivan Milat in NSW, all of Vic's gangland murders. Really, Qld is the sane state!

Really? The guys at my work are constantly hummuna hummanaing over her.

Yeah but Prince isn't biologically his...