
Here’s a better solution:

I had the fortune of listening to Fuller talk extemporaneously for eight hours on each of two consecutive days in the late 1970s. It was one of his “Being with Bucky” seminars, this one at a hotel in downtown LA (across from MacArthur Park — the Park Plaza, I think). He had an extraordinary ability to digress and

Dialing the TIP at BBN in Fresh Pond, pushing the phone handset into the 300 baud acoustical coupler, and typing on the TTY to log on as the only 'rgm' on the entire net. Sent a message to the only 'dce' on the entire net, Doug Engelbart, about getting a mouse and chord keyboard for our IBM 2250 display. Fall, 1972,

But there were. Carl went by on the moving sidewalk, right after the Crazy Cat Lady and in front of Smithers.

About three years ago Google Maps lost the eastbound lanes of I-66 between Manassas and the (DC) Beltway. That's about 15 miles of one of the most heavily-traveled highways in the country. We noticed it because the maps on our home machines and both Android and iPhone wouldn't give us a route that included that

Never saw Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez training Connor MacLeod (Highlander), though there was a flash of MacLeod beheading Kruger when There Can Be Only One.

"How small is an atom, really?"

<blockquote><i>The total value of my house is equal to the rounding error in the value of this place</i></blockquote>Uh, the rounding error would be a five to the right of the last digit, or $000.005 million. That's $5,000. That doesn't get you much even down here in Prince William. You may be using a different

It will always be this way. When I want a new, state-of-the-art computer or smartphone, I go on Amazon or Newegg and it appears on my doorstep later that week. When a federal agency wants new computers or smartphones, they start a procurement process that takes two years minimum. And they end up with what was

[The Space Elevator] would involve a 22,000 mile (35,400 km) cable extending from the surface of the Earth to geosynchronous orbit

As PARC profited from Doug Engelbart's work at Stanford Research Institute:

There are companies that will incorporate your remains into fireworks. That's a good approximation to being blown up, and in my mind preferable.

I'm waiting for the Space Elevator. Take my ashes out to the counterweight at 100,000 km above the surface and let them go over a period of 24 hours. I'll be scattered over the entire Solar System, as far out a Jupiter. Light pressure and the solar wind will probably push the smaller particles of me out of the system

The future arrives sooner than you expect, and in a different order.

It doesn't really matter, but note that Laine's Near-side lunar elevator is based on an entirely different principle than the terrestrial elevator. The cable anchored to the Earth is held up by the fact that its counterweight is beyond geosynchronous orbit, which means that the centrifugal force pulling it up is

I got a fairly good picture when Discovery and the SCA flew over our house in Haymarket, ten miles from Dulles. At the other end of time, I was at the Enterprise roll-out in Palmdale in 1976. There are a few pictures where the top of my head is visible behind Uhura.

Jeez, UNISYS was getting ready to bid on that job when I left — in 1995. Did we win? (After I left, my division was sold, shaken, stirred, resold, and eventually ended up part of Lockheed.)

Eliza, the simple BASIC conversation-simulation program in the 1960's, passed the Turing Test also, just not for very long and for only a few people. Passing the Jeopardy Test, which IBM's Watson did, is much more impressive (especially against Ken Jennings).

@MarthinusSwart: Just talk. I don't think Nelson knew how to code, and he certainly didn't have the mental discipline to write a program of any substance. We didn't have whiteboards in those days, and I've never seen evidence that Ted can write papers.

I helped run the original Hypertext project at Brown in the 60's. Ted was there, and possibly trying to convince us to implement Xanadu, but no one could ever understand what he was talking about. I still don't, and the media descriptions of the new release appear to me to have been written by Sarah Palin.