It’s the principle that Nintendo has a download-only game that cannot be played on the stock system that people purchased - and only three years after launch.
It’s the principle that Nintendo has a download-only game that cannot be played on the stock system that people purchased - and only three years after launch.
You can always add an external HDD to the Wii U, some people would argue that’s more user friendly than asking to open the PS3-4 and manually replace it.
“10+ GB Games, who could have imagined we would live to see such a thing”
- Nintendo 2012
It has *everything* to do with Chloe in that by altering time to *save* Chloe, Max has changed reality and basically created the storm. It’s nothing new, you’re right, it’s a classic “butterfly effect” kind of story. But in the telling, Life is Strange shines.
Play through them all. Its a fantastic game. I was a blubbering mess at the end... Stream watched me cry about it for a solid 15 minutes XD
If people hadn’t wailed it would still be the same broken game it was a year ago.
Eh, from the sound of the end of the article, it seems that Bungie is struggling to keep up. They might just cave in due to exhausted employees.
“Does your Kindle force you to read every word before you can turn to see the next page of Moby Dick? “
“Let me try putting it this way: Walling off parts of a game until a player has completed other portions of it is a form of digital rights management. And you hate DRM, don’t you?”
Its about content delivery, this is like reading a book by selecting a random page then progressing from that point on, you have indeed read the whole book, but the experience you got was completely different to somebody who read it in order, and also completely different to what the author intended.
They don’t want to spend the money on CS personnel. Could have been a much smaller article.
Not sure how to feel about this. I just hope it isn’t very gimmicky. I’m really tired of nintendo wanting to pull weird gimmicks with each new console.
New textures, new models, new functionality, new worlds, new game play mechanics.... ‘tweaking some things’.
“competitive” lol yeah right. destiny is not competitive. anyone who thinks so is a joke.
When you can tell the CG is going to be garbage from a trailer,. you have a problem. WHy is it that for all of Japan’s technological advancements, they still can’t do proper CG implementation right? It always looks so fake when coupled with live action, the only compnay excelleing at it being SquareEnix. Just hire SE…
“If your PlayStation 4 looks a little different today”
Still can’t hide/delete stuff from my library and still no offline/online visibility switch...
Can someone please explain why my PS4 controller MUST be plugged into a PS4 or a PC in order to charge? Why in god’s name can’t I use one of the dozens of USB wall chargers I have around the house?
PS+ has really been lacking compared to Gold lately. What’s up with that?
What’s our new cloud storage limit? The old one was PATHETIC. I’ve owned my ps4 for 9 months and it was full... oh, 4 months ago.