
Really just seems like the person writing this is someone with too much time on their hands is trying to over complicate kids movies with their own logic. We can’t just enjoy movies anymore is what I get from this article.

wow, I can understand being reprimanded. But that seems pretty shitty of a company with a rep like Nintendo. It really brings them down in my estimation.

“He’s not sure he can trust Superman, who—no matter how you justify it—has been lying about leading a double life.”

Yeah, buy it for the art. However, give the story time it will come. Every issue is getting better and better in the story dept.

The XB1 is unique in that it’s the only console that is doing this kind of computing (yes, I realize it’s not the console itself doing the computing). Yes, anyone can do it. But Microsoft said they would do it, and then they did.

Have you played Castlevania Lords of Shadow? Gabriel Belmont grunts propably way more than Lara does in the Tomb Raider games. :D

I don’t need to see anything more from Rise of the Tomb Raider, thank you. I’m sold.

The first one was great and I think the little tombs fit that environment perfectly. I like that she’s using a chemlight in that screen shot though, much safer than an open flame torch. :)

Rise of the Tomb Raider and Fallout 4 on the same day. I swear November 10th, 2015 is going to be one of the best days in gaming.

*PS4 owners wailing in the distance*

I’m not sure that’s true. Microsoft seems to be taking away quite a bit from Early Access (which for all extents and purposes should have been shut down by now) and doing something better :) Although it’ll be interesting to see what happens is Super Microsoft has to swoop in and finish a game because an indie dev

It’s as if someone didn’t read the article. From the sound of it, it is very protective of the gamer. Especially with the statements in the second to last paragraph.

So, I see some flak in the comments already, but correct me if I’m wrong...but there is a mandatory trial available for games in xbox early access. Aka, it’s a way to demo a game to see where it’s at before you spend a cent, unlike games put on kickstarter or steam early access. You can always make the case about

I’m not sure where there is a problem?

This just blew Last Guardian out of water. Last Guardian looks pretty, but ultimately we have only seem a boy walk, jump, and push box. Scalebound’s pet(?) can join combat and be awesome.

asking for reviews, whether positive or negative, and getting rewards? great, good on them. i see no issue with this. club nintendo did this all the time (those 10 extra coins helped out a lot!).

Sometimes i seriously hate how stupid the steam community is.

Desperate to sell more shark cards, not willing to put in any serious dev work to fix the problem right. That’s it in a nutshell. Same reason they don’t do any other serious quality of life updates to the game. The real team has moved on.

I know right!? I can’t believe they see totally ditching the X-Men and Deadpool because they are also controlled by Fox in Hollywood. Crazy they’d be so petty.

“The Taken King Collector’s Edition Digital Content consists of: (3) Class Specific Emotes, (3) Armor Shaders, and (3) Exotic Class Items with XP Bonuses.”

Oh, We’re sorry. Here, let’s fix it but giving you what you ‘want’ by waaaay overcharging you for a couple of emotes, colors, and items. Remember when $20 would net