
Dorian, Blackwall and Cole all have pretty much the exact same model, with Solas being pretty much the same only slightly smaller. Iron Bull and Varric are vastly different races that differ from humans so much that an more adjusted model is called for.

I find it funny that people can excuse a lackluster 15-20 hours and expect people to keep playing a pretty tedious game for the hope that it might actually be fun once you've lifelessly grinded enough.

GBA stands for Gameboy Advance, if your Gameboy wasn't 'Advance' that it was clear it couldn't run the game, regardless of whether you own a standard Gameboy or a GBC.

By 'this long' you actually mean 'one game'.

It wasn't a rewrite, as you can see in the video Qunari can actually be born hornless or have them removed/broken, being hornless actually leads to a better role in their society apparently.

You think a game almost devoid of any sense of real narrative should have been a TV show?

6 month head start, Japan also got the 'second class' treatment from Sony if you'll remember.

Because Microsoft made a deal for an exclusive period to get new console owners on board, they couldn't care less about a Windows port and I agree with them 100%.

But it's not. The game is made by Popcap and published by EA, Microsoft have nothing to do with it.

The Xbox One with Kinect is a bundle, they want you to buy that and they want you to own a Kinect from the very start which is why they would be willing to take a hit on the price.

It is actually, they could sell the Kinect at a loss when also bought with a console, but selling it at a loss on it's own would make no sense.

I pretty much only play with friends I know, and only ever through online multiplayer simply because we all have our own lives and families these days.

Not myself personally but plenty of family members. I just chalk it up to thick skin, which results in jokes like that being incredibly funny, often the more offensive, the funnier the joke.

You're right about it varying, I personally find that joke hilarious.

Then let's bring up a discussion about rape and how we can change things, let's not attack some guy who for all we know is innocent of any involvement because he didn't mention the right things himself.

You don't say it's unreasonable, it just isn't good enough right?

I just press the buttons and see what the current game uses them for, same as the rest of the buttons really.

I'm a little lost here, is there a reason why the daily deals on the Xbox 360's sale this week aren't always being shown?

Talk about the feature.

Xbox Messages can be sent from the website and the Smartglass apps thankfully.