
Japan.. Where they party like it's 1999?

Calling crossovers "SUVs".

"it's an automatic and a manual!"

I support this. Also, Dr. Orpheus's voice has now ruined Dr. Strange for me. My brain is expecting Dr. Strange to sound the same. I cant disconnect the 2.

My question is: If they implemented all these weight-saving tricks in the production model, how much more would it lighten your wallet?

How many of these period movies are going to keep copying Gladiator?

Crimp connector?

Tomorrow's story: Car's owner found with huge spider attached to face.

The worst would be the realization that what you see is just the cast off skin. The spider is probably still in the car.

Following the incident, Colon was reportedly stuffed for days.

"Small Pocket" teams.

Houston is the 4th largest city in the United States.

Probably the first time I've ever celebrated the actions of any owner of a lifted Ram bro truck. Awesome.

If you can't Dodge it, Ram it.

All of the above! Things have a way of being connected, of creating chains and patterns. So this the downward spiral version my writer brain came up with. Please note, Dean, Roland, Mr. Bay, SyFy network and others, this is my idea, please kick me some money if you want to make movies.


I'm still seeing this over Maleficent.

I'll defend NASA. NASA is for exploration — big exploration. The shuttle program sort of sidetracked them into the space trucking business, and they were smart to farm that out to companies like SpaceX. NASA's back in the exploration business, and I think they'll do great. The government/NASA did a pretty great job of

Good. Good. One step closer. Terminator is pleased.

Lesson or Skill: Effort doesn't guarantee success. You can't actually achieve everything you believe.