What percentage of these tweeters swore off Coca Cola at halftime? 95?
What percentage of these tweeters swore off Coca Cola at halftime? 95?
I prefer this gif:
Who pissed in their Cheerios? The multiracial family from the earlier commercial.
This country is great because of the influxes of people from other places over the years. It is somehow harmful, or disrespectful, to sing America the Beautiful in the languages of those places? Piffle.
That child is PEYTON MANNING. This is a real-life "12 Monkeys", guys. He came back to stop a personal tragedy, but it turns out HE was the tragedy.
Confused why #fuckcoke is trending on twitter. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose
Who else saw this commercial live and waited for this article to pop up?
Oh, @DBryant92, I don't think you need to worry about showing up at another Super Bowl for quite a while. #browns #vivalachud
At least the questions were different than the ones people usually badger him with: Do you remember what happened? Do you know where you are? Who's the president?
All I gathered from this video is that the interviewer looks like a drag queen.
To be honest, this makes me really uncomfortable. I just don't know how I feel about a Congress actually doing something.
Fire's like "F*** THE POLICE"
Still...best to be sure...
How are the terrorists going to find anything to blow up? Threat avoided, mission accomplished.
He could have just terraformed Mars or something and Super Jesus probably gone along with your plan. There is no good reason why Zod needed to terraform Earth.