Blue Haze

The Democrats didn’t just fail us; they wanted this.

This is just classic Splinter clickbait. They don’t want to have to admit that the people who told them that protest voting for Jill Stein would cost us the Supreme Court were actually right. 

Anticipating a working knowledge of government procedures and rules (especially when those procedures and rules would preclude the kind of high-handed moralizing that suffuses so many posts around here) is a fool’s errand.

Shit, a working knowledge of politics would’ve kept a lot of these clowns from the “she doesn’t

Oh fuck this.

“...who was coronated by an incompetent DNC...”

This is such a dumb take that gets repeated over and over. I want competent. You idiots keep scratching off candidates based on your Unicorn wish list and you’re never going to have anybody. I don’t think she’s a winning option, but if I could snap my fingers and ensure she was in the Oval Office in 2021, she’d be

Bernie unfortunately has Kremlin suspicion clouds over him too. Plus he has never and will never be here for the Democratic party and all liberals, his only purpose in 2016 was to fracture and attack Democrats for the overall purposes of making us lose and help Trump and that’s what he did. He’d do it again gleefully

Made a burner for this because I’m scared to this day of coming out as a CSA survivor.

Ellison needs to be investigated, period. Serious allegations like this have to be taken seriously, because we can’t know how credible they are without doing some actual investigating. That said, the reason people are skeptical of Monahan is because she’s engaged in the kind of behavior that warrants some degree of

He pretty much raised the kids on his own while she dealt with her health issues. He is still the primary parent. Just like the SAHM who enables a businessman to put in the hours and effort to become a partner at Goldman Sachs, she couldn’t have had the career and lifestyle she has now if he hadn’t been there to

What am I supposed to do? Go ahead and ruin this guy’s life based on an accusation?

This is a really effective commercial (hitting the ‘family values party’ with actual family). But this district is exurban Phoenix and has gone ~R+50 (!) in the last two elections.

It’s Arizona. The heat makes people go insane.

It’s almost like there’s a vast right-wing conspiracy. If only someone had warned us it might be a thing...

Hahaha - social media sewage! Thank you. I rarely research commenters but I probably should. The time I waste looking into their history is time I won’t waste responding to them 😉 Have a nice weekend!

Yeah she’s not shitting on them, but obviously going from being a CEO to being a barista is a reversal down the chain of command. And more than that, there are about a million and one barista positions available, just like retail positions and server positions. Doesn’t make them less important or difficult, just that

At first, I tried to reason with a few men in my timeline. It just wasn’t worth it. I did get a kick out of those whining about his age. “He was under 18!

I understand the performer uses they/them pronouns, but those first couple of paragraphs are confusing and the way you wrote them doesn’t help.

Stop making Billy Ray’s kids famous. They did not inherit talent.