Blue Haze

“*Most* famous? Feh. I will haunt this pile for eternity. Besides, I’m a Coffee Achievah!!”

Edward VIII abdicated the throne but he did not renounce his royal titles and privileges. He was still HRH The Duke of Windsor afterwards and lived the rest of his life in idle luxury. So I’m not sure I’d say he became “a civilian”. I mean, it’s not like he had to pick up some shifts at Domino’s to make the rent money.

“...days before blow dryers...”

So was Carla Faye Tucker.

Complete nonsense. Congressional districts are apportioned to ~ 600,000 - 700,000 people per district. How is someone more likely to “know their representative personally” in one district rather than another?

Oh lovely. A foreigner with a hazy understanding of the US system wants to preach to the Democrats about what they need to do.

Yeah, Carmen has been very open about having had (among other things) silicone injections into her face. Yes, the super-scary kind that can shift. Yikes.

A shitload of money to insulate you from life’s ugly realities doesn’t help either.

Could you at least learn how to spell it? It’ll only add to your future credibility.

**Loudoun County, NOT loudon.


This from the network that hired Corey Lewandowski, post-assault.

It’s sadly true that Miss Andrews can no longer sing.

That’s Mackenzie Astin, son of Patty Duke and John Astin.

Starred for Ronettes. Ronnie, Nedra, and Estelle FTW

I’ve never heard a single negative thing about Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

Ha! Your comment made me chuckle. I drove cab for a couple years. Too bad we never found each other.

Nope. Not a parent. Not even of pets. Or plants.

There’s a name I haven’t seen in a long time! I remember you!

I really wish to be a fly on the wall at a private audience with them. You just *know* that QE II would cut Trump dead in 100 different ways that he’d be way too stupid to even notice.