Blue Haze

In addition to all of the obvious stupidity, Ashly has already fucked herself by setting herself up to be odd man out in the three-way scenario. She’d have been much better off by first turning Winnie and Guistinna against each other, thereby ensuring she can get whatever she wants.

I’m still tripping on “me and Winnie”. I hope this girl isn’t going to be an English major.

Yep! You know he’s one of those people who can’t comprehend things like the “My Documents” folder, therefore each and every last file is saved to the desktop.

I think you’re being much too kind. I’d say that anyone with eyes can see he is definitely obese. I’d just be curious whether he qualifies as *morbidly* obese. There is no fucking way he weighs 236!

It was considered a victory because it WAS a victory. Prior to FMLA, your options were:

Oh yes, I know he could still release his taxes while under audit. I just feel like first thing’s first: let’s establish that he’s lying about being audited in the first place (since so many people believe that) taking that excuse away altogether.

Thank you. It kills me how the media have wholly accepted unquestioningly that he’s under audit. I think it’s another goddamned lie.

If you watch the video, you’ll hear Miss Sommer’s distinctive voice and accent. At the end, we see her, and it’s clearly Elke, star of “The Oscar”, “The Wrecking Crew”, and many others.

German. That’s Elke Sommer (see above thread).

IKR? If Ryan Murphy has any sense, this would be season 2 of “Feud”. Much more entertaining (and camp!) than the Davis/Crawford one that has already been beaten to death.

And if you ever want quite a chuckle, look up Elke Sommer’s feud with Zsa Zsa Gabor. These kids today are mere amateurs.

Ha! Came to say the same thing, but you beat me to it. I guess I spent too long searching through photos of the fabulous Miss Sommer:

Nah, these bills are good ideas. Always. Hopefully this one will have wings.

It was written by the Department of Redundancy Department.

What asshole goes to any Broadway show based on a Disney movie?

“Our brother Robert, who became our brother Alexis, who became our sister Alexis, who became our brother Alexis, passed this morning...”

Wait, you’re saying that the summers IN CANADA are tolerable? Wow! No shit!

If you have never seen LAST EXIT TO BROOKLYN, check it out immediately.

Not really a new thing though. That’s been going on since forever. Elvis’s “Colonel” Tom Parker comes to mind. I don’t think Dr. Dre has a PhD either.

I grew up in Fairfax County and know that building well. I’ve been gone from the area for about 20 years and am LMAO that people STILL call it “the toilet bowl building” all these years later!