Ever since we took Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace class, I’ve been a big fan of buying used versus new.

just listened to it this morning on my way in to work. ^_^

Councilman Jamm had 2 yellow cars:

oh crap, the camera just rotated..halp!

just please don’t end up on a Crashes of Nurburgring video on YouTube

potato camera? What kind of mashed-up tech is that?

Isn’t it funny how we can invent something, like a steel can, then only realize afterwards, “Hey, we need something to open this thing!”

Mk. 1 Eyeballs. lol

um, but is the passenger-side signal visible to a car to your right?

Terry cloth or rag? That’s SO ‘90's.

can someone post a .gif of the Volvo autopilot hitting a person? That.

soon, on Nice Price Crack Pipe

They ARE stealing energy, hence, the title “Highway Robbery”. ^_^

posting this to, too

Konnichiwa! How soon until we get a Gundam GTR Mobile Suit? ^_^

haha well, I was merely letting people know when he died, if they didn’t know as Torch, for the record, obviously, did NOT mention that.

I got yo back, lol

Fitting as a tribute also since Phife Dawg passed away yesterday.

‘Cool Like That’ was by The Digable Planets ^_^

Charge of the Light Brigade.