ugh, don’t know if I’d rather fall onto the pavement or a pile a bicycles.

I’ve been finishing my races in Gran Turismo like that since PS1.

I’m not gonna “ague” with this write-up. ;>

stop with all the puns, wood you?

If the Escudo was NOT #1 on this list, I would’ve crapped turkeys in my pants.


Now how long until we see in this in Fast 8?

And still, the media have yet to call them thugs.

The price of it currently keeps it exclusive but Rick Woodbury still has hopes of mass-producing the Tango which would help to dramatically reduce the cost of ownership.


Good thing moose don’t fly because THEN people would have a more valid argument against building wind generators.

Gasoline needs to die. If I’m paying $2.599 for a gallon of gas and next year, it’s twice as much but I’m getting twice as many miles per gallon, then I’d sure as hell pay more for gasoline.

Now playing

I only had the demo version with very limited playability but, as an Honorable Mention, thought I’d give a shout-out to Interstate 76:

Wasn’t KITT an autonomous vehicle? And Speed Buggy? How old ARE you Torch? lol

something in my pants is also happening o_0

haha, you’re “eating a zebra” suggestion reminded me of Dave Ramsey’s “Gazelle Intensity”:

lol even getting car insurance on a car without wheels or an engine would be easier than getting health insurance pre-Obamacare.

oh, bloody hell the damn video is no longer farking available.