
I’m actually really glad that they’ve taken this tack, and Judy is portrayed and played with such kindness and a sense of humour. It’s so tricky to do a biopic of people who’s close relatives are still alive (I personally don’t approve of them in a general sense) but this sounds nice. I hope Liza does eventually see

Once? Once? In which paradise livest thou?

Right? Betw Maddox and Madonna’s kid Lourdes I feel like the oldest granny on the block.

That was me yesterday! (Or whatever day Maddox first appeared in the ole rags this week.)

Yeah, that shook me a little this morning.  

I didn’t get his appeal until I saw him on stage, and now I very much get it. 

Seconded on the Adam Driver love. I’m getting ready to watch “Paterson” for the second time. It won’t be the last.

The 70s? Try the 50s & 60s. :) Lord of the Flies times. Parents did not want to hear or see us crying about injuries unless a limb was absent. We were on our own to figure it out.

Nothing matters. 

Such is life in Trumpland. There was a really funny post I saw a few weeks ago that brought up things from a coupe of years ago that were huge news then like the airport debacles over the Muslim ban, the hurricane debacle in Puerto Rico, foreign dignitaries paying money to Trump’s Washington hotel and on and on and

What’s Dietrich got to do with it? Marlene stayed married to her husband Rudi for 50 years, though after just two years,their relationship became more like brother and sister; she bought a California ranch for Rudi and his mistress (that word trivializes the woman who was really his 2nd wife) and she had a series of

YAS! I follow both of them on instagram and ship them so hard. The way they look at each other is different from the way the other fab five flirt with each other and are affectionate towards each other. Maybe its just an intense friendship but I will continue to ship them till I die. 

According to a friend who worked on an upcoming season in Japan, they are already a thing. I want to believe Trace is the result of that, but the cynic inside me says it’s all part of a devastatingly calculated Netflix PR stunt.

i need this so bad. I know all the guys are affectionate and mildly flirtatious but I think they balance each other perfectly and I neeeeeeeeed it

Have you seen the jvntoni instagram??

Do you two have friend applications open or?

This article reawakened my regret about giving away a perfectly fitting wrap dress in a versatile pattern & fabric a few years ago. I want it back.

Totally agree. You can also win by getting a faux wrap dress—all the styling and flattery, none of the wardrobe malfunctions. Also: Fashion Tape FTW.

I like a wrap dress, but I enjoy Small Titty Privilege on this fashion trend too - tie it up tight, no stress about potential escapees. They still will expose a bit more thigh than I might want if it’s windy but like....all dresses might.

Slightly different story but I had chicken pox when I was 27 and it was far and away the absolute sickest I have ever been in my life and I’m now 62 and I’ve had to 2 surgeries.