
She shamed him, according to him, for something that also affects her. Should she have stayed with a man who can’t sexually satisfy her?

Sure some women don’t mind but some of us do and aren’t satisfied by a tiny penis or any of the ‘work arounds’. Though she probably should have figured that out before they got

yeah I can understand the idea that having a baby makes you special and gives you purpose again but I just think that’s the worst reason ever. Trust me as a 30's woman whose career suffered a great setback it pisses me off that women who have done nothing but gestate some fetuses are seen as more respectable than

I hope you are able to do so!

haha I’d love to see the people who claim cultural appropriation. My former partner’s family adopted his dad (daddy trudeau), and Justin was up on Haida Gwaii before the election just hanging out watching a pole raising ceremony on Gwaii Haanas. He was treated like anyone else and didn’t seem to expect anything

take it properly and it’s fine....stick to your guidelines, beware CIs and DDIs. For many people it’s a necessary analgesic though I agree people need to be more aware of it’s potential to harm if taken incorrectly.

I think that’s a Haida tattoo! Shout out to Haida Gwaii. His pops was adopted by a Haida clan so it makes sense.

Could it be humans have a variety of tastes? I like his eyes smile eyebrows and hair and that he’s a feminist.

That’s not how she comes across there but I’m sure there’s more to it like you say. I don’t view babymaking as something particularly honourable, or dishonourable, I just hate it when people hold it up as either.

More like, I’m going to kill myself may as well have a baby, or, a baby will save me from hopeless despair.

Nothing wrong with that line of thinking at all! Let’s celebrate using babies as coping mechanisms now.

Riiight because having a baby isn’t selfish at all...

If someone needs a baby to realise the world doesn’t revolve around them, they’re probably a little way off from being mature enough to have one.

Sigh. Why does reasonable discussion have to turn to such tropes as ‘PC’ - usually followed by SJW.

Wow does he burn books he doesn’t want them reading too?

It’s about as effective.

If it was given with such a caveat - sure. But if someone bought me a laptop then used it to spy on me and rationalised it as being okay because they paid for it, I would have a problem with that.

Parents pay for their children. That doesn’t give them a right to act like ‘benevolent dictators’.

Anyway it’s a moot point.

That is psychotic and terribly invasive

I hope she at least told the sons before, then they could save their shameful stuff for private computers. Or you know just undo what she did as likely they’re more tech savvy than she is.

And then they develop more and more astute and clever evasive measures to escape the helicopter hovering above them

Which college?

Humblebrags ought to at least be accurate. Talking about what age you could ‘read’ at is almost as douchey as bragging about your IQ. Don’t agree with me and having something snarky to say back? It’s just because you are jealous I have a graduate level grasp of this conversation though I am only ten

I also like to swap out ‘women’ with ‘jew’ or ‘black person’ to see how people react differently to statements about gender and race.

Black people shouldn’t be able to choose when to have babies.

Jews are just asking for it dressed like that.

Etc etc

Nope. Sorry. Men’s looks are not nearly as intrinsic to their characters in Hollywood. They are generally described as people with agency not as objects.

Orphan Black and The Americans!!! yes oh yes.

Russia is the one that really confuses me!