
Yet so many people here, in Ireland, all men for some reason seem to reflect back on being chased around the kitchen by mammy with wooden spoon with a half-smile. And children are well behaved here. But obviously there’s different ballparks when it comes to this stuff and this is clearly out of it.

As a woman living in Ireland I wish someone would teach him about basic human rights including over my own fucking uterus.

Good thing his church’s campaign shaming single-parent and gay families didn’t work during the last referendum.

I can guarantee that this was NOT unnoticed before it was published.

Northerners have this sort of humour.

It might have slipped unnoticed by a few people but this was not done by accident...just like the D. Though the person who included the baby in the pic might not have been in on the joke.

Do people here just think


Literally the only people I’ve ever heard use the term PC pejoratively are men. It appears possibly this is not an exception.

it’s more like MRAs rarely express opinions I disagree with, not that all opinions I disagree with come from MRAs.

I didn’t know this, tx

That movie was the darkest, darkest, darkest movie I’ve ever seen. It got into my brain.

Don’t their bodies just have a way of shutting this virus down?

It is that, but it also involves institutional power. That’s the difference between racism , discrimination, and prejudice. Racism is a broader term that includes discrimination and prejudice but also requires it to be enacted by people with institutional power. What you’re describing is prejudice, which needs only a

fucking harsh...and so fitting; eep.

Yes it’s better. It’s also 10x more expensive.

Suck it people who can afford the best of the worst, I guess.

If you think this article is fact-based you have some research to do. Maybe people are using the term ‘high horse’ because she sounds like a misinformed condescending douchebag, not because she’s so right and we just don’t want to hear it.

I’m not doing your research for you unless you pay me. So if you want to know

Milk is FOR whoever uses it. Despite what you may want to believe it’s not just people who make misinformed articles who get to dictate to the masses what things are ‘for’. If the purpose of the milk I bought is to nourish me, than it’s for me. See how that works? HINT if you don’t try grabbing a dictionary.

Preaching in your tone is totally going to get converts! It sounds like you want to proselytise because it makes you feel good not because you care about others.

Wow, seriously? I wish I had a job where I could be as condescending and rude to my clients as you. It seems like you have a lot of fun judging strangers!

It’s almost like ‘better’ is subjective

Yeah they should just stay at home and rape women there.

Yeah, all the people who raped and killed my family were immigrants from Western Europe. Damn Western European rapist immigrants.

...Muslim is a race?

Pretty damn sure Christians have done their share or raping, too.