
Yes, yay for me! And yay for switching argurments midstream. Hooray! If you don't like Paula, cool. If you don't like Steve, cool. All I care about is that a group of "at risk" kids are about to learn a skill that has the potential of keeping them off the streets. Good day.

I disagree with charcoal suits only pairing with black shoes. I am of the opinion that cordovan and dark browns will perfectly suit charcoal. You just can't go with too light a brown—and that goes with any color suit.

'Cause that suit is niiiiice.

So basically, a bunch of people who are a) looking for anything to ding the President on and b) have no idea what looks good. 'Cause that suit is niiiiice.

Nothing will scare a male audience away faster than hearing "We Need to Talk". No good ever follows those four words.

fuck this, man. how many years till beyonce achieves world domination bc goddamn i am all in

He's just terrified that if he's associated with anything Black, he'll lose the speakership.

This can only be John Boehner: most likely transphobic and definitely jealous of a show called "Orange is the New Black".

"Imma let you finish, but...."

Am I the only one who thinks that Kim K looks like she could be Queen of Spain/is crazy beautiful in that picture?

Call me crazy but I like the look of the original one. She has a much more mature look.

Actually, sorry Christina and Miley, but in the music world, PRINCE is the original chaps-wearer.

oooh, you fancy now.

I just can't get with this. If we're going to criticize people for seeing the light, why try to get them to see it in the first place?

Well, we know this didn't come from the team office of the Clippers.

Might I remark that your post is of questionable taste— just like a cup of Keurig coffee-pod "coffee." No, I take that back. Your post has more taste than that, but not much more.

I keep hearing good things about Orphan Black. I should watch it on Netflix...