
Well, by this logic, Springsteen and Mellencamp (and all very successful people who identify as liberals) should be Republicans. There’s nothing wrong with critiquing the very real, destructive characteristics of a system that has served you well by pointing out its effects on masses of others. As capitalism is the

Dammit. As someone who saw Signs and Little Miss Sunshine at the time and thought she was adorable, I didn’t want to know that. As much as you can get over an experience like that, hope she has.

Thinking many women make up rape allegations ignores what supposed benefits they expect to get out of it. As prosecuting rapists successfully rarely happens, right?, so a hated man doesn’t really suffer, either in court or really in the public sphere; his reputation isn’t badly damaged. And if the alleged rapist is a

I actually really liked The Nevers, though I didn’t watch the back half of its only season after it premiered on a FAST sight. Note: I am not Casey Bloys.

“It’s a fine premise for a movie....”—No, not really. I could do with far fewer movies about kidnapped, tortured girls and women.

I’m amused you guys say My Father The Hero is “ pretty unsettling and pervy” for its plot sexualizing a 14 year old girl--right before saying she’s “gorgeous”, a completely unnecessary adjective among more pertinent character traits.

I’ve been a little exasperated with the idea that seemingly every organization in the US was expected to put out a statement condemning the abhorrent Hamas mass slaughter. If they don’t, they’re pilloried. And then those statements get attacked. Then a statement supporting Palestinian rights and a cease fire so Gazan

Right-wingers bedrock belief that Hollywood is liberal is easily disproved when Dancing With the Stars hired Spicer, The Masked Singer hired Roodles, and, most egregiously, SNL hired Trump to do episodes. Turns out entertainment companies are giant, multinational corporations that are more aligned with Republican

People should be allowed to make mistakes, even big ones. And if your reputation is generally very positive, then the criticism shouldn’t be that indignant.

This piece seems to conflate genre films that provide escapism with superhero movies. I think the latter are more formulaic and written and made cookie-cutter style than the former, no? Like Jaws really isn’t the same as an average comic book movie. It has a grand villain and a final battle at the end, like those

Jerry wakes up and tells his wife Elaine that he’s had the most awful dream where he lived in New York and was a complete jerk. She then wakes up George and Kramer, also in the same bed, who are their poly lovers.

It’s not difficult not to harass and abuse women, men! I’ve never done it! Neither have millions if not billions of other men!

You guys are really feasting on this story. Did the AV Club before being bought by G/O Media have this many celebrity outrage stories? Of course, I’m reading it (or some of it—I am tired of hearing about what other celebrities said about this case) and commenting on it, so I’m part of the problem. But it’s not good

Didn’t Joker win the Golden Lion? I saw the movie much later, and—it was fine. Looking forward to the musical sequel though.

Thanks. It’s been at least a decade since I saw a Reeves’ Superman film.

People can still be good human beings to others and also have sick pathologies, especially of the sexual kind. Those things aren’t mutually exclusive.

Is Superman IV the one where at the end Superman is in the Oval Office and apologizes to the President, saying he’ll “never let you down again?” That line always struck me as nationalistic propaganda beneath what Superman would think. What if the President was Donald J. Trump?

It’s a small typo but I’m amused that one of the great libraries in world history--if not the greatest--became a chick named Alexandra’s home collection.

While watching Barbie, yep, I thought Robbie was a goddamn movie star. Gosling is getting deserved awards buzz, but so should Margot. I can’t imagine anyone else playing Barbie. Gal Gadot? Ugh. I don’t think she can really act.

Now playing

I’m happy Greta Gerwig no longer has to be in lesbian art collectives starting fights in bars for money.