
Another good episode. I’d quibble with giving the brothers that motivation—a dead sister—for killing McCutcheon. Felt too contrived. Having them forcibly removed from their homes was good enough. And nice job backdating the real coerced displacement of those communities in order to build Dodger Stadium and including

While Della and Anita were at the club, I thought their stalker would call the police, who’d then raid the place, outing Della and besmirching her for the jury. This still might happen.

Joshua Jackson is more likable and nicer than the roles Michael Douglas used to play in his heyday, and Lizzy Caplan played Annie Wilkes in Castle Rock, so I’m guessing this new Fatal Attraction won’t be much empathetic towards Alex, or have it be from her point of view (a better idea for a reboot if they were going

“Sweet seeming adult Shauna is, in reality, the darkest character on the show.”

Roman’s lately been—gasp!—more sympathetic, more level-headed and wiser than his siblings. So to see him waver and go back to being manipulated by his father is poignant. Even though it comes from a good desire of wanting to have a good relationship with his dad instead of burning him like his siblings want to do.

Well, sure, but I’d argue a 14 million to 500 grand gap is way to big and not fair. They’re co-leads. She arguably does more risky, demanding work--all that nudity compared to his. The idea of paying them equally would be a strawman. Pay her less, but not 13.5 million dollars less.

Hello Della! (God Bless Juliet Rylance.) I wasn’t expecting that morning scene, and Ms. Street to be in her own Luca Gaudagnino movie over her weekend. The lovers kissing in front of the sunset was gorgeous. So was the shot in the city where she’s waiting for Anita. And Ginny outside Perry’s apartment. The entirety of

I was surprised to see him doing army recruitment ads. I guessed he must be a veteran. Otherwise, why shill for the military?

One underdiscussed reason for Joel saving Ellie by killing a bunch of people is that she did save his life, even after he told her to leave him. So setting aside that he loves her like a daughter, he would save her anyway as a debt of obligation.

I should have guessed this horrible moral choice a few episodes ago. I guessed it early on in this episode that Ellie could die in order for a vaccine to be made and Joel would try to stop it. But Marlene, you fool! You should have lied to Joel about Ellie’s safety and then shot him.

Is Werner Herzog a Vulcan and did he grip Shatner to mind meld with him?

I loved what initially looked like random pop culture references. Not just the meaning of the show’s title (Cliff’s glorious spoken word rendition of it) but also Cliff watching what appeared to be Burn Notice, and then Hook. Given the latter was also the name of the episode title, I wonder if the Burn Notice clips

Was that a plot hole? Cliff shoots Sterling with the gun he manipulated Charlie to hold in the car. His prints on it can be explained by he saying that he put the gun into the present box since he was Sterling’s right hand man and Sterling gave him the box anyway. The main thing was to get casino video of Charlie

Penny Dreadful: City of Angels. I loved the original PD; didn’t finish the new series. I didn’t find it good.

She’s 85?! If the interviews with her in the doc were done recently, wow, she looks 20 plus years younger. Did she get the Death Becomes Her potion?

Not what I was saying. Both are horrible and very traumatic. I don’t think a person who is almost raped feels any less trauma. But maybe actually being forcibly penetrated, violently, for however long, is worse than not going through that. The attack itself is very traumatic, but I think the actual rape would make it

I think I’m overstating and overestimating the differences between popular narrative history and academic history. After all, every historian started to love the field by reading popular books. I shouldn’t think that there’s a problem with academic historians who look down on popular historians (though some may) or

Thanks. Ok, so this is not good to read. Narrative history is the main, if not only form of history, that lay people read. It’s the only form that is popular. It’s how most people learn history. I always want the gulf between academic history and popular narrative history to be tiny as possible. (And I’m not saying I

So Larson was a crappy historian here? That’s disappointing. I love his books.

Oh, sorry, I thought you were equalizing them. Yes, attempted sexual assault is still sexual assault.