
No mention of Leon's plot having trouble eating the title fruit? I thought the supermarket scene hilarious as well as the third Mary Ferguson’s disgust walking in on Leon and his newly liberated friend scarfing ‘em down. Curb showing how stereotypes are very stupid in a funny way.

The ATN coverage of the Raisin's mental decline of course refers to the far right wing media’s lies about Joe, and Biden did not run in 2016 because his son had died. But yeah, it was pretty surprising to see a Republican president decide not to serve a second term, in general, and especially for concerns about

I’ve been going on recently about the show being an emotional drama with emphathetic characters caught in a family tragedy—and then this eposode reminds me it’s a hilarious comedy of stupid, petty wankers. Good job, show!

25+ pages of notes! I can’t watch and write at the same time. It breaks my concentration of what I’m seeing and affects the experience of what the filmmaker intended me to have. Yes, every film/TV/play critic takes notes. Guess it’s a developing talent to fully feel the thing while you’re scribbling.

Now that you mentioned “unhinged”, she’s Crazy Joe Davola 2.0. I liked him being in a few episodes, and in the background except for the opera ep, but not for a whole season. But we'll see if she can be as funny in the shows to come.

A couple years ago I was disappointed at Chris Rock for doing a Facebook ad. But celebrities, like the rest of us, like easy money, even if they don’t need it.

Wow, with that plot, are we sure the filmmakers didn’t make a class satire/parody of the franchise and that we’re not supposed to root against Max? Come to think of it, I’d watch John Carpenter’s Home Alone.

I saw six or seven episodes of the first season. I guess I liked most the Kelly Reilly near-nudity (the show was bland). I’ll assume she’s been continuing her states of undress since.

Kettle chips, spicy peanuts, Kit-Kats, Perrier, pistachios, Diet Coke, hummus, pita crisps, and, aptly, a frozen breakfast burrito you could heat up with the room's microwave.

Hey, I don’t really care, but for future spoiler warnings of recent shows, you might want to put the name of the series before the thing being spoiled instead of after. 

Miss Mejia is so good playing a very bad actor that I hate the character and plot. That said, I laughed more than any time this season at her fight with Cheryl.

I’ve generally been more empathetic towards Shiv than some others, but tonight the writers really made her into an Ivanka Trump figure—nasty, clueless, and entitled without the vulnerability.

I just got the wish for Fred Rogers to still be alive. He could educate on the vaccine and with his kindness smoke the anti-vax fools.

I had an anti-vax family member tell me that if COVID was like the Plague and killed masses more people, she would take the vaccine. I agree. If the virus killed almost all it infected, we wouldn’t have had this latest seismic political and culture war topping the others to destroy this country. But because the virus

I’d only add to the excellent responses that, by that logic, why should we know anything about any public figure ever? Why did Paul McCartney say he’s a vegetarian? Why know that Harry and Megan have kids? Why make public that Alex Trebek passed away? People like to know what the lives of celebrities are like and so

Angels in America, the TV miniseries. He was fantastic in that.

The alien creature looks like a sentient swarm of nanotechnology. So maybe the moon was built from the same tech and turns alive itself.

This week’s theme was lying. Larry, who lies a lot, calls out other people for their supposed dishonesty, even when in fact they’re telling the truth. A pathological liar ( like the father of the man whose name Larry hates so much) will always distrust others and be paranoid.

My only sibling is a kid sister. Watching Kendall and Shiv attack and hurt each other tonight was brutal and heartbreaking. This series is so good as family drama with the members expressing their vulnerabilities, insecurities, emotions, primal needs, great hurts for and at each other through their business moves. A

Put your baby in a life-sized colorful envelope and with a friend who also has a baby--try to throw one at the other to see if it’ll flip. A good time will be had by all!