
Definitely a boat, here I did the work for those so-

It's photoshop. They just removed the boat. Waves are a perfect match.

Well, that's going to be a non-issue because Google will be adding the Start Menu to Windows 8 in an update.

I don't know about all retailers, but I know JCPenney is happy to have you take advantage of this little "hack." In fact, many times I've shopped at JCPenney without even knowing there was a coupon, and they've just asked me upfront, "Do you have a coupon today?" When I said no, they just went ahead and scanned the

Well, that's just the point. Westeros is a psychopathic place, so you have to be pretty monstrous to stand out.

Truth. Learned on Windows. To me, iOS seems overly-simplified to the point of complicating matters. I can't handle it; I feel like I'm trying to do work on a Leapfrog or something.

This looks ghetto as fuck.

That belkin router is a joke. blekins are lucky to last a day.

Yea, we should all just shut up and be happy with the less than 10% of their library made available on VC.

Who would ever want to play anything that big N hasn't re-released for us in decades?

I used to be on WMC too - trust me, take a bit of time to move to XBMC and you'll never look back.