Oh for sure; it would’ve turned into a Criterion Channel article if you’d included all that, lol.
Oh for sure; it would’ve turned into a Criterion Channel article if you’d included all that, lol.
Charter member of Criterion Channel here, and zero regrets. Not just because of the steel membership card that I lost, either.
I don't really endorse any of those shady streaming apps that have pirated content, but I'm kind of wishing someone would make one called, like, UnDeleted or something, and fill it just with content that's been pulled from streaming.
What happened at Warner last year is a direct precursor to the current strike. Not the only one, but definitely a contributing factor. You can see it in the rejected offer shared by Neil Gaiman on social media a while ago.
Nice list. Friendly correction re. the description for QAnon Anonymous:
Can you add the “Open with...” menu to the ribbon in Files? That was a feature added to Explorer in Windows 10 that I quickly integrated into my workflow, and then they took it away in Windows 11, presumably because “nobody was using it.”
For reference, here is an equivalent machine without the Apple tax ($159). https://www.ebay.com/itm/125883028833?hash=item1d4f369561:g:uBAAAOSw431kig6b
Yeah, I’m with you on that now. I just learned the lesson the hard way, lol.
I think I’ve already done this. I just look at my massive list of unplayed-but-purchased games on Steam and Xbox as a pool to pull from when I’m looking for something new to jump into (my Playstation list is more curated and sparse).
I was thinking the same thing. This article has made me second-guess using the bucket even with the bag, but I’d have never considered using it without. My assumption is that the inclusion of a bag implies that the buckets are not thoroughly washed.
Great write-up on a phenomenal resource I’m often guilty of forgetting about. Now if only there was a way for me to authentically play Connect 4 Hoops in the browser...
I believe that’s basically what happened to the writers on several HBO Max series that were pulled without warning.
Don’t do that.
This article didn’t purport to offer such insight, but I was hoping there’d be some nugget, and am now appealing to anyone who might have wisdom to offer in response to this question:
Are you sure about @outlook.com looking bad? I use Gmail for my primary, but at some point in the last few years Xbox offered some ease-of-sign-in features if I used a Microsoft email address as the primary for my Microsoft account, and I registered an Outlook email.
I’ve been led to believe that mint, garlic, and cinnamon also deters squirrels. I’m dealing with squirrels getting into my attic now and recently bought a sprayer of solution that contains those ingredients for the purpose (alongside other measures such as live traps and bird spikes).
This is the kind of content I relish and look forward to seeing more of since Jordan announced the ZD acquisition. Thank you again for the great work!
I watched the movie yesterday. I can say confidently that every actor gave a committed, quality performance. Rogen as DK just really worked. The criticisms of Pratt are wholly unwarranted, too.
Aww, you made my morning! As a longtime reader, I’m sincerely excited to see what happens next. Kudos and thanks for persevering and always striving to be great.
Respectfully, not quite. Just this past week I sent an email in which multiple people were copied (including some who were originally in the list and had been removed by one participant who didn’t want certain others to see their reply), and identified at the end of my direct response that particular person (using the…