
It’s unfortunate that many unsavory people are counting Depp’s win as one for their own cause. Kyle Rittenhouse, in particular, disgusts me. But you shouldn’t automatically lump Johnny Depp in with them. Kind of like how Rick and Morty is a good show with a lot of terrible fans.

To build on your opening suggestion favoring independent theaters, I’d like to suggest that you should avail yourself of any local science centers and museums that may feature an IMAX Theater.

Both of my only two colleagues routinely and exclusively say “nucular” and it’s slowly driving me mad.

Since it seems like you’d probably care about this sort of thing, I’ve got to mention: You want a plural verb here (“are” instead of “is”), because, although your first subject is singular, you’ve got a second subject connected by “and.”

Yeah, there are a lot of factors. If dust is reaching your dishes in a closed cabinet, you probably have positive air pressure in your home, and you may want to have that looked into. In addition to causing energy waste when heating and cooling your house, that pressure can also push moisture into your walls and cause

Yeah, maybe don’t store the dishes you eat off of in the open air to collect dust. I spent a year in a rental home selected hastily after a tornado, and the landlord had removed all the cabinet doors because it was an old house and they had been repainted so many times they couldn’t close anymore. I think he thought

Thanks! I may have found a solution to your problem, by the way:

LOL, yeah, I have no doubt. Mostly just wanted to riff on the sentence format joke while also taking another outlet to vent about the fact I ordered the thing in August and still don’t have it, but like you said, you know all about that.

That’s a good point; thank you. I think you could say it’s all a gray area for Google, in the sense that their liability for any of this, even for explicitly illegal recordings, is entirely theoretical, as I don’t think anyone has ever sued a device manufacturer for producing a recording device that was used to make

I prefer my ‘22 Ford Maverick that I ordered in August to my ‘91 Civic. Did I mention I’m still waiting to receive my Maverick?

I don’t understand how wifi affects this. What am I missing here?

The Taco Bell app works just fine on Android without granting location permissions. I can say this from experience. The “added value” to Taco Bell, as for most any I suspect, is that they can send me push notifications to steer me toward their stores when I’m feeling hungry. But you know what? I can turn those off too.

I’m not arguing in Google’s favor and also think this is stupid, but the location tracking wouldn’t really help because it doesn’t tell the device where the other caller is located. I live in a single-party consent state, but if I call someone in a two-party state and record the call, that’s still illegal.

LOL, actually I’ve never been. My family went to PCB every summer when I was a kid, and I spent a couple summers in middle school taking some classes in Hattiesburg with a brief visit to Biloxi on the way back, but it was less about the beaches than the casinos for my parents and epic arcades for me.

Odd that you wouldn’t mention the central gimmick of Willy’s Wonderland, that Cage, while starring and absolutely central, has no lines.

Birmingham, within the city limits, is a lovely place, apart from all the gun violence, but I mean I think like all places it’s focused within certain areas. But, to be fair, those are the areas where you can find a 4,000 ft² house for under $350K. I just bought a house in the Crestwood South neighborhood for $350K,

This is really too vague to be useful. I actually just bought a house for exactly $350,000 in Birmingham (#2 for most space in the list above). We closed at New Year’s. It was 2,222 ft², and we were lucky to find it. Everything else we looked at was smaller and cost more. This one was only in our price range because

There are a number of ill-advised suggestions here, and in most of them, it makes much more sense to use isopropyl alcohol.

Dang, friend. I can relate exactly to what you’re describing, with the only variances being the dates, duration, and the specifics of your father’s hip surgery (mine had a heart attack and double bypass, but also I have siblings and don’t live in another state).