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Hopefully this doesn’t include the TV cartoon from the Mandela Network we all grew up with and had a fantastic time reminiscing about our favourite episodes in the comments!

I’ve met men who use “I’m going to liquidate your bank account and donate it all to charity so you can’t get it back without looking like a massive asshole” as a threat to their wives before (source: close relative did this to his wife), so I’m inclined to believe her.

Sucks that scumbags are allowed to leave the greys and I am stuck here with them :( but whatever, I hope her scumbag husband gets shitcanned (or better still, arrested plz) and she can take control of her life and career as a successful business person.

I’m amazed by how many fans who are usually very supportive of voice actors have turned on Taylor over this. People who treat stuff like Chris Pratt voicing Mario are basically turning her into a villain.

Nick Lee is his name. That info’s already out there. And fuck that piece of shit.

I like the theory that the vulture capitalists that own kotaku care. 

Controlling what you communicate to the public about your personal life is part and parcel of the abusive relationship handbook

“Just divorce him” and “Just leave him” will always go down in history as the most useless advice we can give abused women.

This. We need better moderation.

Overwatch 2 sold like gangbusters despite... well, everything. Of course “The Gamers” are going to defend them.

My first thought was, “Oh no, she does porn! I hope this doesn’t affect her livelihood!”

I was expecting that, was kinda surprised not to see it. Didn’t look at the grays... Though I probably am one. I barely know what Twitch streaming is, but I know who Adriana is, and I appreciate her.  Best wishes for a speedy recovery, medical and financial.

And typical US person: “OMG, hope she had medical insurance...

The venue or provider is still responsible for ensuring that the act you are signing a waiver for is “reasonably safe”. What that means can vary from state to state. Being that this is California, someone  is gonna end up paying out big for this.  Most of the legal work in this one is going to be finger pointing

There are some very messed up people out there. That they lept to those “jokes” is just disturbing.

I too, made the error of venturing into the greys...

Agreed. Gaetz’s name should always be preceded by “alleged human trafficker and statutory rapist”.

Ah but those conservative men don’t want anyone over 25, regardless of their conservative credentials.

I am more confused about their attitude towards exploration. If they are a truly strong seafaring nation why have they never really “explored the “mainland coast” up to now. Like if they are sooo isolationist how did they ever really develop as a seafaring nation...?