There are some very messed up people out there. That they lept to those “jokes” is just disturbing.
There are some very messed up people out there. That they lept to those “jokes” is just disturbing.
I too, made the error of venturing into the greys...
Agreed. Gaetz’s name should always be preceded by “alleged human trafficker and statutory rapist”.
Ah but those conservative men don’t want anyone over 25, regardless of their conservative credentials.
I am more confused about their attitude towards exploration. If they are a truly strong seafaring nation why have they never really “explored the “mainland coast” up to now. Like if they are sooo isolationist how did they ever really develop as a seafaring nation...?
These folks have silly names.
I have no idea how financially intelligent the average Gamestop employee is. But with turnover what it is in retail, few of those people are going to actually see those options vest. Second, once the price of GME inevitably comes down, those options are all going to be underwater anyway.
Skill is irrelevant to whether you deserve a livable wage
Wait, I missed that these were just stock options. What a joke. Unless their stock jumps dramatically, and its won’t, that’s useless.
Yes please. Once you reply to them they’re now ungreyed for every reply they make in the same thread. And since their comment is the top one, they can make replies that can no longer be dismissed.
I’m greyed but I'll star this
I absolutely hate Nazis and incels and am still stuck in the greys :/
So many triggered phobes in the greys. Die mad, bigots.
Seen too many people falling for the bait and getting them ungreyed via replying. Just report that shit and move on.
I’d rather you kept them in a woodchipper
Can we not just send them to Mars already, preferably together with Elon Musk
I will be donating extra to AGDQ this year in light of this decision. Standing on your principals in spite of incurring costs and penalties is both selfless and admirable.
Good on you, AGDQ staff.
Hey, do you know what you do when a close friend of yours has just died? You grieve, and you get on, and you wait for everyone to be back together again. I’ve written the entire site on my own today, the day after I found out my friend and colleague had died. And the response I get for trying to write something with…
Is there going to be any official kotaku posting/update about Mike?