
Final smash would be crippling puns. Anyone in earshot dies.

Whatever his new project is, it better involve blackjack and hookers!

I was hoping some one would post the One Piece rap! It is still a banger!

I’m an IP attorney. I can’t claim to know the exact claims Nintendo’s lawyers made in this case, but when it comes to trademarks, the legal foundation is based on the premise that you have to protect them. If you don’t push others away from using your marks, then the courts may deem them invalid or generic. (E.g.,

Oh joy! Sanitized classism!

If they were just doing the footwork and not using bots I’d be a bit more forgiving, but they’re gaming an already broken system and that shouldn’t be glorified.

Let’s be honest - generally for the better.

Anyone who still seriously wants to play PS1 games now and for the foreseeable future should just buy a PSOne with an LCD screen....

Mayim “I actually have a PhD, have I told you about it?” Bialik belongs second to last, only above Dr. Oz. She’s an anti-vax sympathizer who is currently doing commercials for some brain health supplement snake oil too.

Does anyone else notice how, when you click on a link to a comment in your Profile, it just goes to the article you commented on and not the comment itself? It seems like the Permalinks have been disabled for whatever reason.

“You’re racist”

Nobody said it had to be a human penis.

I mean, maybe he’s got a condition.

I had that toilet.

End of comment.

The ‘pudendal cleft’ or ‘cleft of venus’ are the names you’re looking for.

Oh man, with that much sugar at once you are going to have some epic and painful as fuck blue diarrhea tonight.

As a lawyer who admittedly hasn’t done any IP law since that one course I took in second year of law school, if the allegations taken from the filing are true and can be proven, this is blatant infringement. There’s a lot of “the design is so generic” in the comments, which is largely irrelevant. It is unique enough

Listen buddy, I saw a copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on the shelf at a game shop years ago. I didn’t buy it but let me tell you, looking at the cover picture taught me a lot about the legals and the briefs, so I think I’m qualified to say that this is a clear-cut win for the claim-man against the bad-team, for a

Could you maybe not use a picture of Kim Kardashian crying, given that she just had to say goodbye to a man who was executed yesterday? Bad timing.

This trend has destroyed the historical preservation potential for this generation of games.