
And as much as I loved TDS at the time, in hindsight they did a lot of reporting that focused almost exclusively on how silly conservatives are while largely ignoring that they are nevertheless dangerous. A whole generation of people still seem to think that ridiculing them is enough.

Pokemon with Guns is evolving into a Miraculous rip-off?

The latter is maintained, in large part, so Nintendo can continue to roll out updates that brick flashcarts.

Animal Crossing has entered the chat

Know that you are valued as a part of the Twitch community. Please take care.”

woodforsheep dot gif

This is the only unicorn overlord I’ll ever need

Hallikainen devotes a large chunk to discussing the “growing tendency of toxicity in our community.”

There’s no reason on Earth to think the same won’t be true of Ubisoft’s current games in 20 years.

It might be time to clear out those shelves for some store credit, before it’s too late.

Because EGOT is a better acronym than EOT.

Blitzball is fucking great and could easily sustain a whole game by itself and I will die on that hill.

Ok I’m confused.

It fascinates me how wildly different the gaming environment is when you can see an entire global gaming world instead of just a handful of friends on a school afternoon.

Wow, Squenix is just on the wrong side of literally every issue aren’t they

Disney is 100% going to threaten to sue people who are doing perfectly legal things and squash them. Some things will make it through, but it’s hilarious to me that people think that when you’re dealing with rich people and giant corporations that what’s “legal” actually matters, especially in this country.

Most people aren’t familiar with neo-nazi rhetoric and symbology. Hell most people are only even vaguely aware that neo-nazis are actually a real thing that actually exists.

My least favorite Christmas gift ever was a slideshow.

It makes me so unreasonably happy that this or some form of it has been trending on twitter for several days