
It’s probably in the terms of service. And as long as they’re not super *blatantly* illegal, courts generally uphold those, even when they’re ridiculous.


Thanks for the auto-play Twitch embed! I love it when my work computer suddenly starts making noises!

Neither’s X accounts have updated

as well as an ever-growing library

Don’t forget Embracer also owns Dark Horse Comics. My whole ass is clenched just waiting to see what happens to them because of this.

There’s going to be a D.A.R.E. episode isn’t there

“Sega will not be allowed to get away with this unlawful behavior.

and his cult of right-wing conspiracists fascists

This show was so much better than it had any right to be.

All the comments on Jez have been nuked

after it became clear that the big studios would probably let Hollywood burn to the ground before they’d start letting actors have direct profit sharing from their streaming subscriptions.

What the fuck is someone even going to do with that many pizzas???????

And the response article from the site’s creator:

Ashley got laid off yesterday and they still publish her article a day later.

This is everyone who was laid off today

lol thanks for the support! I don’t think I ever actually saw it, because Kinja. I actually scrolled back through all my comments and found the article and thread, but kinja is kinjaing and I don’t see anything from you. :(

I hope all of you are polishing your resumes, who knows how long before Kotaku doesn’t align with the herb’s business model too.