
It’s not clear yet whether Sweeney is taking any pay cuts as part of the latest cost-saving measures.

It’s not clear yet whether Sweeney is taking any pay cuts as part of the latest cost-saving measures.

Cher is notably 40 years older than Edwards, who is 37. Having two generations (or maybe three, depending on how prolifically you and your people reproduce) on your boyfriend is an extremely Cher way to be, so good for her.


Earlier today on X

Gold bars?! What is this?! Mesopotamia?! Looney Toons Mesopotamia!? There’s something that feels sooo cartoonishly corrupt about literal gold bars. Not to mention, highly inconvenient, too. Imagine having to lug these things around indiscreetly.

Whitten also said Unity is removing the requirement to have a “Made With Unity” splash screen appear when players boot up the game.

I am also really starting to hate the word “content”.

Burn it all down.

Ya I think I’m done. I still haven’t upgraded to a PS5 or Xseries, and with all of this I doubt I’m going to. I have enough of a backlog to last probably the rest of my life, plus whatever new stuff Nintendo puts out.

OG PS4 or PS4 Pro?

Never let her go

Considering that this is just the Deluxe edition with the statue included, the real question isn’t if you want to pay $350 for a “Collector’s Edition”, it’s if you want to pay $250 for a Sephiroth statue. And assuming the final product isn’t a lot worse than the picture (which I admit is absolutely a possibility),

(Pre-order now: )

Someone please educate me, I thought that part of the debt ceiling deal Biden made earlier this year, and part of the reason he threw student loan borrowers under the bus, was because there were provisions that would preemptively avoid the shutdown fight. I swear I saw reporting on that.

fuck I didn’t know that Embracer owned Dark Horse

that Masterson was more of a “touch my balls” guy and less like his lovable TV character

Trump could once again win the presidency while losing the popular vote.

That’s a great point.
