The 1 Best Reason We Haven’t Finished An Article
The 1 Best Reason We Haven’t Finished An Article
Kotaku reached out to Komesarj for comment.
So they flip flopped again?
Justice Neil Gorsuch, nominated by Donald Trump in 2017 to a stolen seat
Disney Speedstorm lets you answer the eternal question: Who would win in a go-kart race between Monsters Inc. star Sully and Mickey Mouse?
I want this Ganondorf
Of course, conservative finger-waggers don’t care about context or what art actually means. They just want to ban things
It appears that Illumination is setting up for a sequel (we see a Luma creature from Super Mario Galaxy) , but we’ll have to wait on the box office returns to know for sure.
I dunno, getting a prostate exam from an incorporeal appendage might actually make things easier.
including a recent deal with Square Enix to make this summer’s Final Fantasy XVI a PS5 console exclusive.
The terms of service are also incredibly lenient
I can’t believe they didn’t play the Rainbow Road theme when they spent so much time on the actual fucking Rainbow Road.
I was legitimately not sure if the Mario video was a gag by IGN, or was actually done by Nintendo and IGN was just showing it.
a weird thing for regular folks to have, since this was an industry trade show
My Amazon account got suspended last week because I was buying too many Nintendo eshop cards because I procrastinated on getting 3DS and WiiU stuff. It was a huge pain in the ass to get it back. =/
Cognitive dissonance is one of the hallmarks of fascism, so it’s not weird at all, it’s exactly what you would expect.