
The chuds have absolutely been here. They’re just actually getting nuked for once.

He’s not saying that she’s pulling a grift. He’s saying that people accusing her of that are doing it because of “thinly veiled misogyny”.

That’s pretty hard to do when the majority of our lawmakers are geriatrics who think the internet is a series of tubes.

She’s in Texas, but it has the similar laws. Any assets gained during the marriage get divided equally. She’s going to end up losing *a lot* of money to this piece of shit.

There absolutely is moderation here, and humans are involved.

What makes this even worse is that, as far as I’ve seen, ever since this went down last night no one has heard from her. Alinity tried calling her and sent the cops to do a welfare check, but they wouldn’t tell her anything.

And it looks like the hammer is being used.

Kotaku took a few days after he died to say anything about it, and in the meantime some people were going into the comments of other articles giving them shit for it.


They started pushing that agenda the second this came out earlier this morning. They’re disgusting.

Hey Kotaku, Luke, Patricia, et al.

then why do we have the death penalty at all?”

can’t wait for the chodes to all rush in defending billion dollar corporations paying their talent poverty peanut wages.

The one thing that kind of annoyed me was just how fast apparently-Gandalf went from barely caveman level speech to being a full on poet. I really wish they had made that more gradual throughout the show.

incel nerds about other MCU things: Nooooo itz nott laik that inn thuh comiczzzzz ;____;

Maybe things have changed, but the last I heard the poll numbers (for whatever they’re worth) had this race as very very close, like to the point that some people are worried that it could end up as a dark horse for the fascists, since no one’s really paying attention to it.

Every single show at the end of the second to last episode, I’m always like, there’s so much left to wrap up how can there only be one episode left???

but the climax (such as it was) was too rushed to explore that.

Good job actually reading the article.

Now do Bag the Nematoad and Spacemunks!