
If they were concerned with arresting this guy for those outstanding warrants, why didn’t they just drive up to his house, and arrest him there?

I worked at McDonald’s in the mid 90's.
I’ve made those things fresh, and couldn’t stand the taste of them back then.


You might want to update the story.
They caught the gunman.

I had shingles a few years back, during that period of time that all the commercials were on tv telling people to get the shot, and I remember telling my wife while watching those commercials “God that looks like it really, really sucks to have that.”

Well, another way to look at this is that it’s just another form of voter suppression.

More like 12, when he started the bs about Obama’s birth certificate.

Just be glad they moved away.

These bikers can get fucked.

Not nearly as much of a piece of crap as the potential 250k morons who are going to decend upon Sturgis, infect the locals who live there with a deadly virus, and then spread that same virus to everyone they know and come across when they get back home.

Definitely not just Boomers.
My next door neighbors are my age (early 40's), and are full on Trump loving, truck driving, mask hating, right wingers.

Go back to Jersey, and shut your pie hole, you unmasked mouth breathing asshat.

Even if only 5k of the attendees die, don’t forget that when they get home, they are going to then transmit it to their souse, children, brothers, sisters, parents, neighbors, friends, and random people they come across in grocery stores, hardware stores, fast food restaurants, delivery people, and countless more.

When was the last time you test drove a Mazda 3?

Did Herman Cain have more direct access to the Rally Attenders that would have directly exposed him to the virus, than any other members of the Moron Brigade did?

Well, at this point, let the people who don’t want to wear a mask in public for purely selfish reasons go forth, contract a disease that has the potential to kill them in a matter of days, and spread it to as many like minded morons that they have in their circles.

These killer clowns turning simple protective measures into a political statement need to be held accountable.

Uggh, not this shit with NYC residents who have never owned a car before.

I’m not sure what’s more laughable, the fact that you think you will be able to do any/all of this over the next 6 weeks, or that you think this line will actually happen:

Minor offense?