
He wouldn’t know the truth if it walked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to the brightly colored “Hello” sticker on its shirt that read, “I’m the Truth.”

But I thought the economy and the stock market were going great since his election, and he deserved all the credit for it?

Not surprised in the slightest that some dumb old white man from New Jersey was trying to pull a “Slippin’ Jimmy”.

The stuff thats freaking me out about them is not the racist stuff but all the other shit like being pro deregulation, anti UN, NATO, Paris agreement, anti climate change, anti social safety nets.

I live in the Denver area, and would love to have NYC style train options to get me around the area, and high speed rail options to get me to further out locations.

I can’t understand why they wouldn’t want to promote an engine that has 40 more hp (if the reports of 195 hp are true), and yet gets 20% better fuel economy at true highway speed than their current 2.0 engine in the Mazda 3. Heck, it makes more hp than the 2.5, and I’m sure beats the fuel economy of the 2.5 by an even

Ford is actually one of my favorite companies to buy because of the dividend.
I then use the F dividend payments to buy other stocks that provide better returns on the sale price.

Go check out a Freddy’s Steakburgers, if you have one near you.
Great tasting food, great service, and much shorter lines than any Chick-Fil-A I’ve ever driven past.

Should lose his pension, social security, medical benefits, AND be arrested and prosecuted for perjury on every single case that has been overturned.

Fuck racist American Auto Workers.
I hope every single model of vehicle built in the US moves to Canada and Mexico, and ALL YOU FUCKING RACISTS lose your fucking jobs.

I rarely see mouth breathing rednecks where I live, but I know they exist, and don’t need reassurances that they do in fact exist. :)

And now American automakers are doubling down on that marketing strategy.

That’s a bummer, but you also get a 5 year unlimited mileage (kilometerage?) warranty, while we are stuck with 3 years, and 36k miles.

This was the Republican’s plan all along when they realized that there was a chance that they would lose the House to the Democrats.

The very first thing that I do is I look at my wallet/bank account/pay checks to determine how much money I have to spend.

That man should not be a coach in the NHL.

Well, my wife and I had that same conversation with each other back in February 2015 when we were trying to decide between a Cayman, or a Cayman S. There’s a $10k price difference between the two cars, but at the end of the day, we stayed with the base version of the Cayman, and that $10 in savings went into paying

Easy solution for how to get rid of a “Real Doll”:

What is going on? Why aren’t we buying sports cars anymore? Get your act together, people!

Mine has been exactly the same for 4 years now.