Here’s the best thing you can ask them:
Here’s the best thing you can ask them:
So here’s a question:
Should rename it Good Morning White Trash.
Makes you wonder if he had just posted up a picture of a gun all by itself (just grabbed a random picture off of the internet, for instance), if they still would have busted down his door in order to search for said gun, and arrest him...
I’m starting to think that its POC that should be wearing body cameras 100% of the time, and not just the police.
A list of all the U-haul, Penske, and Enterprise rental locations along your route, along with a fully charged cellphone with good nationwide coverage.
Troll better, racists. Because this almost makes me feel sorry for you. Almost. As it will always and forever be:
My mother is a wonderful 73 year old Jamaican woman, and if anyone were to talk like that to her while I was present, I would have dragged that mother fucker off the plane by his ankles, beat the shitty accent out of him, and very gladly been arrested for the first time in my life.
Nope, you need to make 3 Leftwichs in order to make that Rightwich that you missed.
And that why I bought a Porsche.
That’s my tax money. That shit comes out of my paycheck, and I’d rather it go to something that everybody can actually use, not give a $7,500 handout to someone who’s already doing well enough to buy a new car.
Buy a 2 or 3 year old Nissan Leaf instead, and save about $20k dollars.
That $35k you were planning on spending on a Model 3 will allow you to buy a Leaf, install the charging system in your house, and still pocket well over $10k, which you can put in a savings account, and hold onto for the day when your battery pack…
However, it might be true that Taylor Swift is actually a witch who stole the soul of Kanye West in a brutal act of revenge.
Those may be perfectly fine for a Kia Rio, or a Toyota Corolla, but we’re talking about a car that actually has a well designed suspension, and Bilsteins are the OEM supplier for Audi/Porsche in most cases.
You don’t have to convince everyone, but if there’s anyone you know that is either on the fence, or planning not to vote, it might help to talk to them about why you think that it is important for YOU to vote, and maybe, just maybe, that might help them summon up the strength to vote, also.
You are correct that there are cookie pools created via browser/cookie/website history.
I’m more talking about cookie pools created by actions you take on and offline, like Democrat/Republican voter databases used for polling, candidate fundraiser rolls (these ones are sold left right and center, all the time, or are…
Actually, I had another line, that I deleted, because I didn’t know if it applied to you:
I don’t know what to do.
Unless the “advertiser” specifically buys cookie pools containing demographic data. “Leans Right” and “Leans Left” is very common in demographic targeting from just about every company that pools data.