

They are cheap.
Any other questions?

Yet his two cars of choice are the Crown Vic and Ford Explorer. These are civilian-purchased, never-seen-action versions of the cars in white (Crown Vic) and black (Explorer). He’s fit both with the front bully/bumper bars. He has a light bar on top of the Explorer (all white so it’s legal).

They snort Coca-Cola.

According to the story, Botham has a female roommate.
I would bet $20 that the noise complaint was them having sex, and Officer Trigger Happy didn’t want to hear it that night.

According to the story, Botham has a female roommate.
I would bet $20 that the noise complaint was them having sex, and Officer Trigger Happy didn’t want to hear it that night.

According to the story, Botham has a female roommate.
I would bet $20 that the noise complaint was them having sex, and Officer Trigger Happy didn’t want to hear it that night.

“And there were noise complaints from the immediate downstairs neighbors about whoever was upstairs, and that would have been Botham. In fact, there were noise complaints that very day about upstairs activity in Botham’s apartment. Botham received a phone call about noise coming from his apartment from the

Well, even Porsche changes things up, over time.

So, did they pass that gas tax increase?

You suck because you have too many 0's in your screen name.

I know that this happened on a racetrack, and that makes the circumstances different, but, if this happened on the street between two random riders, it would most likely be charged as attempted murder.

Queens Village, directly across the Cross Island Parkway from Belmont.

If those are the only humans you have contact with in your entire state, why in the world would you be depressed if you stopped talking to them?

If you did, I would just go get some sicilian and an ice cream cone to make myself feel better.

Cops have small dicks.
Or, at least the guy in charge of the procurement budget does.

NY don’t care about your feelings.

I grew up with that song, in Queens.
I heard it nearly every day from mid Spring to late Fall for 19 years.
It stopped directly across the street from my house.

Do you remember back in the day, when a cop would make a horrible, horrible mistake that cost an innocent person their life, that there was a really good chance that the cop would eat their own gun pretty soon after the accident?

That’s just a T-bird, and that ship has sailed, long, long ago.
And sunk.