
Imagine how many more cars they would be able to produce if they were NOT building fully loaded, top trim cars with all the fixings, and were instead building a run of base model cars in the basic $35k trim instead.

In Musk’s case, it’s possible short sellers are paying to plant anti Tesla stories. They have a lot of money to make but it’d quickly become public.

It has been 20 years since I last worked at McDonald’s.

Actually, Porsche is the type of company that would actually switch to charging a fee for the manual instead of eliminating it from the options list.

Force them to detail the victims car for a year, every Saturday at 2 pm, rain or shine. Maybe that will work?

How much of a difference was there in the mpg’s while towing between the Edge and your F-150? I see you mentioned 16.8 mpg for the Edge, but what would the F-150 have gotten with the same trailer and conditions?

Get caught flagrantly stopping traffic and causing public disruption for your own fun - lose your car/bike. Clearly you don’t have the responsibility to use it properly and function in society.

Well, she’s 17, according to the reporter.

Someone should follow up with her, ask her when she turns 18, and is able to Vote, how her feelings now on gun control laws are going to help her decide on who she votes for.

As I said in the NASCAR Cheating article, Vespa Racing is a thing that most likely happens in Italy, and is more entertaining than NASCAR by several factors.

You mean History class, right?

One guy thinks they need more flags and guns, and the other guy who thinks the first guy is an idiot and an embarrassment thinks they need more prayers.

Please come back and share with us the results of your first tow with the EcoBoost engine. I’m curious your impressions afterwards.

my brother will be the black sheep in the family with his Crossfire.

How big is the smile on your wife when she’s hooning her car to work, though?

Now hold on a minute...

Orlove - Aren’t you the guy who decided to fly to California to buy a VW Beetle, decided to choose the higher priced, sketchier one you could find, messed up a brake conversion kit on it before you started your drive back home, and then proceeded to break down at least once per day, until

He probably lives in Murray Hill, and doesn’t understand why it gets such a bad rap.

“Sit, wife,” a future male Hyundai driver will say. “Talk.”

Vespa Scooter racing series.

I’m surprised at how much that comment about short term profits got to you.

Nope, I wouldn’t do that to you.
You seem like a nice person.